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Once Upon a Time... the Swamp.


A 1989 sequel to the Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing is still living in the swamp, avoiding Arcane's men and helping people when needed to. Anton Arcane himself has managed to regain his humanity after the events of the first film, and is still searching for Swamp Thing in hopes of gaining immortality from his DNA. He has invited his stepdaughter Abigail to his mansion, as he needs her DNA as well for the operation. Ignorant to his motivation, Abigail agrees to visit him in hoping that she'll learn what happened to her late mother. Later on she meets up with Swamp Thing, and a romance develops between the two as he fights it out with Arcane's men and mutants.

Tropes used in The Return of Swamp Thing include:

Abby: Was it real?
Swamp Thing: As real, as you want it to be.


Who says there ain't God?

  • Third Time's the Charm: It takes three times before Swamp Thing gets rid of Gunn for good.
  • Those Two Guys: Omar and Darryll, the two bumbling Comic Relief kids.
  • Two-Faced: Two of the caged mutants in Dr. Rochelle's laboratory. Other has a reptilian right half and other has an entire elephant face covering his left half.
  • Use Your Head: Abby uses a headbutt against Gunn.
  • Video Credits
  • Waif Fu: 10 years of karate study in Okinawa has nothing against a two day vacation in east LA!
  • Weaponized Car: Gunn tries to take Swamp Thing out with an armed jeep.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Poinsettia disappears from the movie after her Scar Survey with Gunn.
  • Wicked Stepmother: Arcane only sees his stepdaughter as a mean to gain immortality.
  • Window Pain: Plenty of car windows shatter as Swamp Thing and Leech Man duke it out.
  • You're Insane!: Abby says this to Anton in the halfway point and near the end. In the latter instance he notes that he has never felt saner.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Abby arrives in such outfit to Arcane's mansion.