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The River is an American television series about an expedition to find explorer Dr. Emmet Cole, who disappeared six months ago while exploring the Amazon. It is made by the director of Paranormal Activity, in the Found Footage format. That Other Wiki describes it as "paranormal/adventure/horror."

The River contains examples of:[]


  A.J.: Just so we're clear, a little girl who talks to ghosts says "don't go." And we're going. Yeah.


  Emilio: God hates me, I know, or he would have made [my daughter Jahel] ugly.


  Emilio: I sailed [the Magus] 23 years. A year ago, Doc is fueling up for the Amazonas. He says to me, "Emilio, you no go on this trip. Go home." I say, "Doc, ["bleep"] you. This is my home."
