YMMV • Radar • Quotes • (Funny • Heartwarming • Awesome) • Fridge • Characters • Fanfic Recs • Nightmare Fuel • Shout Out • Plot • Tear Jerker • Headscratchers • Trivia • WMG • Recap • Ho Yay • Image Links • Memes • Haiku • Laconic • Source • Setting |
- The first scene in the lab, in which the nerve gas begins eating through their protective suits, and upon learning they have to inject the antidote straight into the heart with a very long needle. Not the danger itself, of course, but the reaction to it:
"Look at the size of this thing — and you want me to inject this in my heart? Are you fucking nuts?!" |
- The streetcar driver after the chase scene.
"Shit! This sucks! Where that son of a bitch at? That motherfucker ain't safe nowhere!" |
- Mason on the car phone.
"I'm only borrowing your humvee." |
- This exchange:
"May I also suggest, uh, a haircut?" |
- Then later, there's the one between Mason and the hairdresser:
"Ugh! Who did this to you? This isn't right! In fact, it's nasty!" |
- And of course the follow-up after Mason handily PWNs the agents guarding him:
Okay, I don't want to know nothing. I never saw you throw that gentleman off the balcony. All I care about is: are you happy with your haircut? |
- The exchange in the morgue:
(Mason and Goodspeed have just killed a squad of Hummel's marines. A corpse's foot starts twitching.) |
- "I just bring it up because... it's you. You're the Rocketman."
Kid on motorcycle: Hey man, you just fucked up your Ferrari. |
- This exchange between Mason and Goodspeed, which falls somewhere between Crowning Moment of Funny and Crowning Moment of Awesome:
Mason: You sure you're up to this? |
- Back to The Rock (film)