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  • Cliff donning the Rocketeer helmet. "How do I look?" Even though he made it, Peevy isn't very inspiring. "Like a hood ornament."
  • Peevy hasn't dated since 1932, but apparently he hasn't needed to.

  "Flora Maxwell. There wasn't any point datin' nobody after her."

  • Peevy's idea for a quick fix, bubble gum!
  • Cliff admits his secret identity to Jenny.

 Cliff Secord: Jenny, prepare yourself for a shock: I'm the Rocketeer.

Jenny: The Rocke-who?

Cliff [frustrated]: Oh for crying out loud, haven't you read the papers?

Jenny: No, I've been working all day.

  • One of the best parts happens near the climax. It's so cool watching the FBI AND gangsters working together. Even Eddie seems to realize this. Also counts as a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
  • During the climax of the film, The Rocketeer is climbing along the top of a Nazi zeppelin when the resident Giant Mook Lothar confronts him, knocking Cliff's pistol out of his hand. Cliff takes one look at his gigantic opponent...and immediately dives for his weapon.
  • "Big Gopher!" And the guy next to that one was played by Tiny Ron aka Lothar.