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  • For some it's Frank's death.

"On the day, I went away...

  • Let's not forget Columbia, the most sympathetic character.
    • Enough so that "Bedroom Scenes", a Rocky fan-film, devoted more than half of its twenty-minute length to just letting Columbia speak for herself, for once (the rest of the time is devoted to letting Magenta speak, period).
  • And the Bolivian Army Ending granted to Brad and Janet...
  • Rocky's anguished scream after Frank is killed. Which is followed by Rocky's own death. Frank's death was pitiable, but he had it coming. But Rocky!
  • After Rocky and Frank fall into the pool, Magenta turns to Riff Raff, saying "I thought you liked them! They liked you." to which he screams "THEY DIDN'T LIKE ME! They never liked me!". At first, most find this outburst as funny, until Riff Raff turns back towards the screen, and you can see a tear rolling down his cheek.
  • Brad's ultimate state at the end, if the film is taken as a standalone work. It's clear that the Transylvanian lifestyle is just not for him, and he ends the story broken and feeling violated by the experience, with the added issue of his fiancé going hard the other way, embracing it and craving more. That's a pretty wide wedge that will be between them now. While the film doesn't condemn the lifestyle, it does show how it can be wrong for some people, and Brad is going to have some trouble getting over it.
  1. ASSHOLE! (Statement to prove it. SLUT! Statement to prove it.)