Could possibly count as Despair Event Horizon because Tommy really did have more than enough reason to be fed up.
Tear Jerker: Early on after Dil arrives you see Tommy having to sing to himself because his parents are too busy, and then it goes to Spike, howling in the rain.
The scene in the rain where Tommy finally snaps and considers leaving Dil behind in the forest with the monkeys. Probably the most dramatic scene in the history of the series, and quite impressive when you consider that this is a one year old and his newborn brother, and yet it can still send shivers down anyone's spine and tears down their faces.
Even more impressive is he's planning on pouring bananas on Dil and leaving him with monkeys, and it somehow manages to make you cry instead of laugh the how ridiculous it all is.
Spike saving the babies from the wolf at the last minute, only to fall off the bridge with it.
When Tommy is about to ask the "Lizard" (Actually Tommy's father) to send them back home, he looks back at the other babies, who are all crying over Spike's sacrifice, and instead wishes for his doggy back.
The Scrappy: If Dil wasn't this to the fans here, he was certainly it to Chuckie and the twins.