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From Mario Party:[]

  • Every time the boulder rolls down the path in DK's Jungle Adventure, Jon sings (or rather "duns", or "dunts", according to Chuggaa) the Indiana Jones theme, in reference to the famous scene in Raiders.
  • There are plenty of others, including references to The Protomen, Fallout, Metal Gear Solid, Unbreakable and Meat Loaf. They even mention that they talked with Medibot before recording DK's Jungle Adventure.
  • References are often made towards Slim Kirby, notably his Anti-Peach Song while, naturally, they're playing on Peach's Birthday Cake.
    • The biggest reference, when Chugga won by one coin (In Slim Kirby's Mario Party 5 LP, he lost by one coin):

  Chugga: I got something to say, and I'm gonna get real close to the mic to say it. (Beat) Suck it, Slim.

  • Whenever they play the minigame Crazy Cutter, they read it in the same way the in-game announcer of Crazy Taxi reads its title. (They once did the 'Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah' for the opening music (What I Want by The Offspring).)
  • In Mario's Rainbow Castle, episode 5:

 Jon, reading what Toad is saying:: But now, there's not a rainbow to be seen. Yes, it is sad. I wonder, can't we go back to the past?

Chugga: To play the shitty games that suck ass?

  • Luigi's Engine Room, episode 3, ~2:12:
  • Yoshi's Tropical Island, episode 1:

 Chugga: Good! Great! Awesome! Outstanding! AMAZING! All I did was press A.

Jon: Thank you, Sonic Colors.

  • Also in Yoshi's Tropical Island, the game Box Mountain Mayhem is announced with an impression of The Gromble.
  • Jon makes a few jokes about Curleh Mustaches in some boards.
  • "Steeyyympy! I could KEES you!"
  • Jon sings the classic ROLLING STAAAAART in Wario's Battle Canyon. Chugga and NCS didn't know where it came from, to his disappointment.
  • In Eternal Star, the guys team up against the CPU in Tug O' War. Cue Chugga saying "the real superpower of teamwork!!".
  • On the last board, which features teleporters, they reference Electrical Beast shouting "TELEPORT!" in his distinctive accent.
    • And during the end of the preceding board, a reference to the "TOIM GODS."
  • This little token during the very last mini-game they played:

 Jon: Wario is really bad at fighting ghosts, he's been possessed like three times.

Chugga: He's definitely no Raymond.

Jon: Well, Everybody Loves Raymond.

  • When they play Slot Car Derby at the beginning of DK's Jungle Adventure — Episode 3:

 Jon: Beep beep! Beep beep! BEEP BEEP!

Chugga: Honk honk. *high pitched and nasally* Honk honk!

Jon: Thank you, Skeeter.


From New Super Mario Bros Wii:[]

  • Someone comments that Yellow Toad's red and yellow colors after he gets a fire flower makes him look like Iron Man.
    • Josh: "I am Iron Toad!"
  • Jon reads Bowser Jr.'s letter as Mr. Burns.
  • Meet Josh Jepson!
  • They reference the Freelance Astronauts' own Let's Play of the game, in particular their Running Gag of honking a 'fail horn' every time someone has to use a continue.
    • When everyone but Proton Jon was in a bubble at the end of 2-4, right before the flagpole he put himself in a bubble, mirroring what happened in the Freelance Astronauts' LP at 8-1.

 Jon: Thanks, Maxwell!

    • In episode 16, Jon immediately recognizes the level as the same one where Ferr sang sea shanties while screwing around with the controllable platform in the Astronauts' LP. After NCS accidentally moves the platform into a lava pillar killing all four of the players, Jon even comments:

 Jon: I think we're about to pull a Freelance Astronauts.


 Josh: "Oh, hai, cannon!"

Jon: "Oh hai, Mark!"


  Jon: "Force to be reckoned with. Force-a-Nature! Oh shit!"


From Subspace Emissary:[]


 Tim: "It was because of the MORMONS."

  • Jon refrences Bon Jovi's "You Give Love A Bad Name", and the other two groan like he just made a bad pun.
  • "On the next exciting episode of Dragonball Z."
    • In episode 9, Jon and Chugga reference the Spirit Bomb's long charging time while the former spams Fox's side taunt.
  • In episode six, Chugga says "Open the door to the Hardware Store!" He and Tim immediately break into the Weird Al song.
  • Episode 7 starts off with Tim the Toolman.
  • Much like the Curleh Mustaches, Emile asks where Falco is at.
  • In Episode 9, Proton Jon does Slowbeef's Ridley voice.

 Chugga: Tonight, on Ridley's Believe It or Not!

    • Same episode, about the giant Diddy Kong:

From Smash Bros Brawl Tournament:[]

  • From Jon's fight with Donna, after taking out Donna's first life they manage to fit two shout-outs in:

 Donna: My Little Yoshi!

Chugga: He's not so happy

Jon: All the bronies are going to be super angry at me now.

  • After Jon beats SyKhotic by smashing him up into the sky:

From Mario Party 2:[]

  • Near the end of the Deep Sea Salvage in the Pirate Land map, Jon starts quoting the 3rd strongest mole bosses from Earthbound.
  • While explaining the Dueling Mini-Games.
  • Before a duel mini-game on Western Land:

 Jon: You wa shock!

  • More of an internal shout out, but during Horror Land, Chugga pokes fun at Jon's 'Mario's Wacky World' LP. Specifically, Death Water (and Death Water's son, Led Zeppelin).

 Chugga: Does Dizzy Dancing have a son that's a whole band?

  • Chugga takes a Warp Pipe on the left side of the Bowser Land board and ends up on the right path in front of the Star, prompting:

 Jon: I knew I should have gone to the left, damn it!

Tim: Should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque.

  • During a Crane Game minigame in Bowser Land, Peach seems to be wriggling face-down on the floor.

 Jon: What is Peach doing?!

Chuggaa: I love you, floor! Make me a sandwich!

  • In the first Minigame Coaster video, the "Megaman! Megaman!" quote referenced comes from Egoraptor's "Sequelitis" video about Megaman X.
  • "I took a carpet to the knee."

From the Mario Power Tennis Tournament[]

  • WALUIGI TIME from Brawl in the Family is mentioned when they cut off the game's intro.
  • After Lucah scores a Power Shot win on Josh, the following is said:

From Kirby's Return to Dream Land[]

  • The notion of Josh eating grandpas is a reference to Super Mario Sunshine Versus, where Josh accidentally claimed to be eating old men.
  • After picking up Water for the first time, Jon starts trying to figure out which powers map to the rings from Captain Planet.
  • During World 2-2 Chugga says a line from the Unawakening Float song from Sonic and The Secret Rings
  • Also during World 2-2, Jon is looking underwater for things and finds a pineapple. Cue Emile with "He lives in a pineapple under the sea!"
  • At the beginning of Episode 3, Jon says they're having a pool party in Raisin Ruins. Jon then attempts to kick Chugga out, saying that "Only Aquabats are allowed at this pool party!"
  • In episode 3, the guys start discussing what Meta Knight might actually look like under his mask. Jon says he likes the Brawl in the Family interpretation of Meta Knight being just another Kirby who got coloured blue and lost some of his powers.
  • When Chugga!Kirby gets Snow Bowl for the first time, Jon deadpans "I don't wanna play Katamari with you anymore."
  • When Meta Knight!Jon fails to avoid Yet Another Stupid Death, the Super Mario Bros 3 death theme is hummed. And Jon calls them on it.
  • Similarly, just before starting the Ninja Dojo, a theme from Banjo-Kazooie gets sung, and Jon again points it out incredously.
  • Their reaction to the final target. "It's Pac-Man!"