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- In Prisoner of the Judoon Part 1, a Judoon has requisitioned a police car and has stopped at traffic lights. A convertible with music blazing pulls up:
Judoon: Noise exceeds permitted levels. Turn down. |
- From Invasion of the Bane, when Sarah Jane uses Mr. Smith to contact the villainous Mrs. Wormwood having just survived an attack by one of her Mooks:
Sarah Jane: Thanks for the assassination attempt. |
- The scene where Maria and Luke are escaping from the factory:
Mrs. Wormwood: Have you checked in [the ladies room]? |
- Sarah Jane nearly zapping herself with the lipstick laser at the start of "The Wedding of Sarah Jane".
"I have to stop doing that..." |
- For a really poignant episode, it was full of funny bits.
- Clyde and Rani chasing after an alien slug that sounds like it escaped from the planet Looney Tunes, all while trying to keep it out of sight from Sarah Jane's beau.
- Peter and Luke baiting Sarah Jane by refusing to tell her what they were just talking about.
- Sarah Jane and Luke pondering how they're going to tell Peter about the whole alien thing.
- For a really poignant episode, it was full of funny bits.
"Oh, by the way, my lipstick? It's deadly." |
- The Doctor explains that the Trickster is "one of the Pantheon of Discord." Clyde notes that it's "a good name for a band". The Doctor agrees.
- The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith gives us a beautiful little lampshaded Genre Savvy moment from Rani. "Hello, yes, ethnic person in the '50s, hi!" [Proceeds with plot]
- Better yet was the punchline after she's left...
Mrs King: What was she wearing? Can that really be the fashion in the Punjab? |
- The Warriors of Kudlak: The utter boredom of the cashier at Combat 3000
"Welcome to the unique gaming experience that is Combat 3000. Zap those drones." |
- Chrissie's reaction to seeing Alan chasing a Graske through the neighborhood in Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?
Chrissie: I’m telling you, my ex-husband and a dwarf in a suit, now I’ve seen it all! |
- In Secrets of the Stars, the newsreader describing a scene in the White House:
"And we've just had that story confirmed: The President has walked out of the White House and is apparently holding hands with the wife of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan." |
- Also at the end when Luke checks to see if Clyde is still hypnotized. "Up. Down. Up. Down."
- Luke and Clyde goofing off in Mark of the Berserker.
Luke: Night, Clyde! |
- And just before:
Luke: Night, Mrs.Langer. |
- Enemy of the Bane, Kaagh suggests they name the "new galactic eon" "Wormwood and Kaagh".
Miss Wormwood: If you really want the empire to sound like a firm of solicitors. |
- Also from the same episode:
Mrs.Wormwood: The battle of the costume jewelry counter - how very female. |
- Mona Lisa's Revenge:
"You... art tart!" |
- The scene in Enemy of the Bane where Mrs.Wormwood it sweet-talking Luke into coming to the dark side, saying things like "We can rule the universe together." At first Luke doesn't believe her, but gradually his face turns into an expression of wonder and awe. Mrs.Wormwood concludes her speech, giving him the last "you shall be a prince" bit and shows him the scroll. He takes it and looks into her eyes in amazement...and then runs like hell. With the scroll. Nice going, Mrs.Wormwood.
- In The Nightmare Man:
Mr Smith: If I were to connect to K-9, I could boost his energy levels. |
- The fate of several of the Doctor's past companions being revealed in Death of the Doctor.
- In Warriors of Kudlak, Luke's still having trouble with slang:
Luke: Last week, you said a "gaff" was where a dude lives! |
- As is Sarah:
Sarah: I've heard a lot about this place, apparently it's "the nuts"! |
- Luke and Sky controlling the Serf hologram.
Luke: You've been watching Toy Story again! |
- Clyde and Sarah Jane in The Mad Woman in the Attic:
Clyde: Well, you are getting older. Your memory's going. |
- Sarah Jane's interview with Joseph Serf, a succession of thinly veiled accusations from Sarah Jane met with a barrage of thinly veiled threats from main villain Harrison.
- Clyde has never been so glad to see a full stop before.