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  • The Trickster is one creepy bloke! Especially in his first appearance!
    • He has no face. Just an empty, eyeless visage and a red maw of sharp teeth.
    • The only reason he does anything is because chaos is his food.
      • Until things get personal between him and Sarah Jane Smith; at which point, the chaos that he can feed on is just a convenience compared to the genuine pleasure he takes from wrecking her life.
    • The alternate realities he threatens to bring about are just horrific.
      • Imagine you're about to die. In an accident that you brought upon yourself. Then a voice in your head tells you that it can help you survive, and you say yes...only to find out that, in saying yes, you've changed places with your closest friend...and you just have to live with it. And then you realise that it was all for nothing, as the person who saved you planned on destroying your planet!
  • Being Lighter and Fluffier, The Sarah Jane Adventures doesn't have a lot in the way of nightmare fuel, but the Pied Piper Odd Bob episode is about evil alien clowns that make children disappear. Anyone who afraid of clowns, don't watch this.
    • It's not so much the clown itself, but the fact that there's a clown museum, containing, amongst other things, an animatronic clown which laughs creepily while rocking back and forward, and... the dancing puppet which terrified Sarah Jane as a child, which may or may not have been possessed.
    • Not to mention that wherever you disappear away to, eventually you fade even from there. Recent victims can be saved: everyone else just vanishes.
  • It is implied (never stated outright but obvious to anyone who knows how the Slitheen operate) that the child Slitheen killed and skinned at least two children around the same age as the protagonists.
  • Mona crukking Lisa. Rampaging with a ray gun. Plus the Abomination. Then there's all the people trapped in the paintings.
  • At the end of The Gift, the team is Covered in Gunge — gunge that is all that remains of two people.
  • The Nightmare Man. Looks like a cross between the Nicholson and Ledger Jokers, has this creepy giggle, and grows more powerful off people's nightmares. Not to mention the fact that he's literal nightmare fuel.
    • Honestly the dream sequences in Part 1 are genuinely frightening.
      • Even worse is how relatable some of Luke's nightmares are - the prospect that, once he's gone, people will laugh and deride his role in their lives, call him a mistake or a freak, replace him with someone else, burn photographs of the good times they've had, and there's nothing you can do about it!
  • Lost in Time gives us the prospect of a Nazi takeover and children locked in a burning room.