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SchnookumsMeat 5292

Schnookums and Meat

Schnookums and Meat, created by Bill Kopp (of Eek the Cat fame) is what happens when Disney tries to Follow the Leader.

At a time when Ren and Stimpy was doing well on Nickelodeon, this show was made to try and duplicate its success. The end result was an allegedly wacky series. It was composed of three segments:

  • Schnookums and Meat: Follows the exploits of a dog and cat pair who live in a home with two faceless owners.
  • Pith Possum: A Superhero spoof, similar to Darkwing Duck but more extreme. Pith and his sidekick Obediah the Wonder Raccon protect Possum City from a variety of bad guys.
  • Tex Tinstar: A cowboy who fights alongside his friends to defeat the Wrong Riders. Done in a serial style similar to Rocky and Bullwinkle.

The show aired on CBS, where it lasted one season of thirteen episodes. It was later rerun on The Disney Afternoon, where it seemed even more out-of-place than Gargoyles, and eventually on Toon Disney. Only two comics were made out of it in Disney Adventures magazine.

Tropes used in The Schnookums and Meat Funny Cartoon Show include: