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Tsrptrans 3897

The Second Reality Project is a series of ROM hacks of Super Mario World by FPI. The games feature Mario's adventures in Another Dimension.

The series begins with Mario learning that Bowser had discovered a new power source and is using the resources to construct an invasion fleet of airships in order to strike the Mushroom Kingdom. Eventually, Mario discovers the Second Reality and must put a stop to Bowser's plot. The second game concerns Mario's unexpected return to the Second Reality and a new foe named Zycloboo. The upcoming conclusion to the trilogy will involve Bowser's return to the Second Reality as the primary plot.

After the release of the second game, FPI created The Second Reality Project Reloaded, a remake of the first game with improved graphics and a more original and coherent plot. A "reloaded" version of the second game is also in the works. Another ROM hack by FPI, a deliberately bad parody of bad hacks called Chaos CompleXX, is loosely connected to the plot of The Second Reality Project via Retcon in Reloaded.

You can find the games as .ips patches on either ROM hack archive SMW Central or FPI Productions.

Tropes used in The Second Reality Project include:
  • Another Dimension: The Second Reality itself. The remake of the first game also features Thirdspace... and Mobius?
  • Check Point Starvation: Since Mario World levels can only have one Check Point in them, this occurs in Bowser's Starship and Chaos CompleXX in the first game. This is even more common in the second game, which has extremely long levels.
  • The Chessmaster: Zycloboo.
  • Big Bad: Bowser in the first and third games, Zycloboo in the second.
  • Cute Kitten: The Powercats.
  • Giggling Villain: Zycloboo. "Hee, hee, hee..."
  • MacGuffin: The Power Supply Switch in the second and third games.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: In the remake of the first game, launching Ludwig's castle into the volcano leads to the portal to Thirdspace being reenabled. In the second game, reactivating the Power Supply switch gives Zycloboo unlimited power.
  • Retcon: Chaos CompleXX was retconned into the story of the TSRP trilogy as the result of the Roboxx's Glitch Cannon destroying Thirdspace.
  • Stylistic Suck: Chaos CompleXX.
  • Video Game Remake: The first two games.

Tropes that apply to the first game:[]

Tropes that apply to the second game:[]