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  • Approval of God: The game's website has a blurb from Roberta Williams endorsing it.
  • Development Hell: Not only did the project take forever to come out, they had legal issues as well.
  • The Other Darrin: The most telling one being Graham not voiced by Josh Mandel. Which is odd considering Josh even reprised his role for all the Fan Remakes. Apparently, he had a disagreement with the game developers.
  • Promoted Fanboy: Most people who worked on the game played the King's Quest series before and are big fans.
  • Screwed by the Lawyers: It looked like the cease and desist orders by Vivendi and Activision would do this to the game, but the developers were able to work out deals with both of them to let the production continue.
  • Vaporware: The initial release of the game took many years. Now, everyone is still waiting for the release of the very last episode since 2011.

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