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  • In one episode of the Simpsons, the creators got away with one of the dirtiest jokes to ever go under the radar of the censors. A sign says "Sneed's Seed and Feed - Formerly Chuck's".
  • In the episode "Homer's BBBQ" (S7E5), Homer offers one of his guests a frankfurter by asking if he'd like a Hot Beef Injection.
  • The writers were surprised they were able to use the name "Flaming Moe". Their best guess is that the censors didn't get the reference. Moe stole the Flaming Moe from Homer, who naturally called it the "Flaming Homer" for what is essentially the exact same joke
  • Let’s not forgot the times, at least one of the characters in the nude… how did the censors most of the time missed it, especially when Homer is naked.