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Due to his many years of eating unhealthy foods, Homer suffers a heart attack, and needs to have a triple bypass surgery. He has to choose between the $40,000 operation set by Dr. Julius Hibbert, which he cannot afford or the $129.95 operation by Dr. Nick Riviera. When he chooses the cheaper surgery, Homer begins to accept that he may die. However, the operation goes well and with a little help from Lisa, Dr. Nick saves Homer's life.

(Copied from Wikipedia, "The Simpsons (season 4)")

Tropes used in The Simpsons (animation)/Recap/S04/E11 Homer's Triple Bypass include:


"Perhaps I'm being too hasty, you are highly goofing off! Now don't worry Homer, you're the kind of guy I could really dig...a grave for!"

  • Beat Still My Heart: We get an inside look on Homer's heart reacting to Mr. Burns yelling at him.
  • Hollywood Heart Attack: Happens when Mr. Burns berates Homer for the latter's work ethic.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The opening sequence of the episode parodies |Cops. Interestingly, it wasn't in the original animatic, and was added to increase the episode's length.
    • The scene where Homer sings in a church as a boy is based on Empire of the Sun.