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The Sims 2

  • The things Sims do in The Sims 2 when their aspirations fail are pretty funny. This troper's favorite is the one for pleasure aspiration failure.
  • Vampires in The Sims 2, and their tendency to BLEH!!! at people every time they enter a room.
  • Everything about the Grilled Cheese aspiration.
  • The cutscene for a Mister Seahorse birth. Doubly funny if you compare it with the regular ones.
  • In University, the Young Adult women[1] will be heard singing opera while Woohooing.
  • The "Cuddle" interaction between a toddler and a cat in Pets; the cat will always react rather humorously to being squeezed.

The Sims 3

  • The Inappropriate trait. These Sims will wash themselves naked in front of a kitchen sink in a room full of people, try to kiss anyone and everyone, say they hate their family to members of their family, and can imply that peoples' mothers are llamas.
  • Evil trait also counts, as it mentally turns your Sims into Murray.
  • Sims given the Neurotic trait have the option to "Freak Out", which gives them the Tranquil moodlet. It might depend on your sense of humor, but the way they scream is kind of funny.
  • One of the jobs for the firefighters in The Sims 3: Ambitions, should you have Late Night installed too, is to save the movie set from a herd of angry llamas.
  • On the Sports Channel we start with a woman reporting in the snow with some people fooling around in the background. After a sports report, we cut back to them... the woman now being stiff with cold and the background people replaced with snowmen. For added hilarity, the woman FALLS OVER, stiff as a plank.
    • Followed by one of the newsreaders crying over her apparent death while the other goofs about.
  • How about the twist ending in one of Terror TV's show, complete with sexy slow jam?
  • If a Sim gets rejected when asking for Woohoo, they get the "Walk of Shame" moodlet. They do an actual walk of shame and hang their head down low when walking with that moodlet.
    • How about the "Stride of Pride" walk too?
  • Female Sims walk a bit funny after Woohoo in the shower...
  1. And teenage girls if you install certain mods.