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SPM-pp 503

This started out so fun...

Slumber Party Massacre series is a trilogy of Slasher Movies from the 1980s. All three films share similiar plot: Bunch of girls (and their gratuitous nudity) are having a Slumber Party, at some point couple of guys crash it and all the while there's a killer offing them with a power drill.


 Close your eyes for a second... and sleep forever.


In The Slumber Party Massacre (1982), Serial Killer Russ Thorn escapes from the mental institution and terrorizes the partying girls and two sisters living nearby. It was written by feminist activist Rita Mae Brown, and it was supposed to be a spoof of the genre. Instead it was directed as a straight horror story, whose humor ranges from intentional to unintentional and with more Fan Service than any other slasher film from those days.


 The party begins when the lights go out!


Slumber Party Massacre II was released in 1987. It follows Courtney, who was one of the heroines of the first film and is now part of a girl rock group. They decide to take the weekend off in the estate belonging to the father of one of the girls. However, Courtney is having nightmares and hallucinations of a leather-clad rockabilly who is armed with an electric guitar with built in power-drill. After losing her virginity (despite the visions of her sister warning her not to), the rockabilly (named Driller Killer in the credits) steps into the real world and starts killing the partygoers.


 It's Driller Time... and this bits for you!


Slumber Party Massacre III was released in 1990 and it ditches the supernatural elements from the last film. However, it still does share the series inheret silliness as the victims are complete idiots who cannot stop the killer, even when he is struck down many times and is completely blind later on. And the killer really loved his uncle and has a case of impotence (his power drill is a textbook example of Compensating for Something).

These films have the examples of:[]


 "Now it's time for the fun part."


 Any unauthorized exhibition, distribution or copying of this film or any part thereof [including soundtrack] is an infringement of the relevant copyright and will subject the infringer to severe civil and criminal prosecution as well as a midnight call from the Driller-Killer.


 Courtney: "Do they always make that much noise?"

Sally: "The more they do it, the louder they get. Practice makes perfect. "
