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The Spoony One[]


 Curtis: I love you, Blob...

Spoony: (deep breath) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHH! You know, if the game itself isn't going to take a fucking interest in the storyline then why the hell should I?!

  • Boisterous Bruiser: In the Anniversary Brawl ("Roots, shmoots, baby, we are here to RUMBLE!") and Paw's "Top 9 Moments in Gaming" video ("I WILL PUNCH YOU IN THE SOUL!")
  • Break the Haughty: A series of unfortunate events in 2011 lead to one.
  • Caustic Critic
  • Cool Shades: They are an awesome pair.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Gets a minor case of this when he sees a little girl at PAX East at the Pokémon Online table jumping up and down excitedly, while saying that even though he's outgrown Pokemon someone else is certainly excited about it. D'aww.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Depraved Bisexual: A list of the people Spoony has "spooned": The Nostalgia Chick, That Chick With the Goggles, Benzaie, The Nostalgia Critic, Angry Joe, Bennet the Sage and Lord Kat (As punishment for losing a game of Robot Unicorn Attack against 8-Bit Mickey).
    • In the beginning of the Donation Drive; Critic, Sage and Joe are repeats, while Paw, The Cinema Snob, The Other Guy, Ed Glaser, the Last Angry Geek, and article writer Matt Briner are first-timers. Karma finally bites as his ass as they gang up on him for some retribution.
  • Despair Event Horizon:
    • Pumpkinhead was the game that pushed beyond the brink of no return. Also, expect him to cross this every time he watches TNA.
    • In particular his 2-9-11 episode of Impact starting when he calls out the Kurt Angle/ Jarett divorce angle (In particular, dragging Angle's children into doing promos for it), which wasn't helped by it immediately following the brain damaged Eric Young wasting everybody's time. Then his responce to the Jeff Jarret Ken Anderson promo.
    • Hit this in his v-log on the reboot of X-COM when the press release at E3 describes the RPG elements as "just like Final Fantasy Tactics". He seems genuinely shocked and angered by the fact the makers consider it comparable to Tactics, simply because they threw in a few strategic elements by making the game a squad-based shooter.
  • Determinator: Spoony comments that surviving through E3 with his condition probably had a lot to do with just sheer willpower.
  • Did I Just Say That Out Loud?:

 "I mean it's just ridiculous. It's the same thing as blaming violence on video games. I mean, when I kill people, it's purely for sexual reasons... WAIT!"- * video cuts off*


 "I mean, I kill people, because it's the only way I can get an erection... WAIT!-" * video cuts off*


 Spoony: Focus! Stupid sexy cosplayers.

    • Spoony is very distracted by the rather prominent breasts of one character in Beastmaster 2.
    • From Howling 2:

 Spoony: The sex scene in this movie is metaphorical of showing Sybil Danning's jugs. Okay, so that's probably not a metaphor, but for some reason, I just completely lost focus and... forgot what a metaphor even is.


 Spoony: If a demon ever wanted to take revenge on this world, he couldn't ask for a better way than this - because this isn't a game... it's fucking punishment! It's the most accurate simulation of a burning eternity in Hell ever made! And you know what? There's a good side! There's a good side! You see this? The people who made this game actually had the balls to put their names in the back of the fucking instruction book - and I swear to God, if I ever find any one of you assholes I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU! I WILL STAB YOU IN THE BRAIN! And... Th.. This game is FUCKING UNHOLY it's so bad! GODDAMN IT!

    • As far into insanity as Pumpkinhead takes him, it's nothing compared to the laughter-bordering-on-tears he displays in his vlog on the WWE 2009 Slammies.

 Spoony: John Cena and Randy Orton, or as I prefer to call it, AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!

    • His commentary on TNA Impact pretty much pushes the insan-o meter Up to Eleven

 Spoony: *laughing* Wrestling! Wrestling! Wrestle! WRESTLLLLLEEEEE!!!

Spoony: There's a sign in the crowd... that says "Hall Rules"! "Hall Rules"?! Hall does not rule! He has never ruled! Nothing is ruled by Hall! Nobody would be ruled by Scott Hall! There's no rulage! He is not a ruler! Scott Hall?!

  • Even Evil Has Standards: He may be a snarky bastard, but even he thought Officer Walken in Terror T.R.A.X. was being a bitch by making snippy comments regarding a woman who just had her eyes ripped out.
    • And again in his "Wrestle! Wrestle!" vlog for August 6, 2010, where he expresses absolute disgust at WWE for spending half the show on what is essentially laughing at a woman for being ugly.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Spoony is very obviously gay for narrator Drew Skye of Deadliest Warrior.
    • He also relents that even he thinks the actor who stars in The Beastmaster isn't too bad to look at.
  • Fan Hater: Although it's just part of the Spoony persona.
    • "Final Fantasy VIII sucks and you suck for liking it!"
    • His Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen review is even more venomous.
    • He also shares quite a bit of venom for Joss Whedon worshippers.
    • The Twilight movies.
    • With Final Fantasy X, he goes as far as tell his viewers to hunt down and kill its fans.
    • His Rebuttal to the Forum Roast is an example of this, although after he doles out the lashes, he quickly responds with warm thanks to his fans.
    • In a Vlog on Wresting and Final Fantasy XIII, he basically says that anyone who liked Final Fantasy XIII was just fooling themselves, as there was no way that game was good.
    • In his Top 11 Worst Films of 2010, he tells his fans that anyone who liked Tron: Legacy at all has too low standards and is easily amused. Which resulted in The Cinema Snob remarking that he loved the movie, for the very same reasons that made Spoony hate it.
    • In his commentary for the FFX review, he makes it very clear that this is only a trait of his on-screen character, and in real life he feels nothing of the sort.
  • Fetish: Spoony has a nurse one.
  • Gag Nose: Occasionally mentions his "big dumb Jew nose".
  • Go Mad From the Revelation: Miggity-miggity-miggity-miggity mackdaddy!
    • Also of note is his written review of Turkish Star Wars. He becomes so perplexed by what he's watching, that his thought process in the review slips further and further into madness. As an end note, he then dares the readers to watch the film, which he provides a link to.
    • His reaction to completing a hard part of the Dirty Harry videogame, only to find himself back at the start of the level.


    • When Noah discuses the final Laguna flashback sequence in Final Fantasy VIII, he simply sets it up (Laguna is now an actor working on a sci-fi film, when suddenly a real dragon attacks the set), and then just proceeds to laugh uncontrollably.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Mostly observed during sessions of ~Spoony's Campaign~, where he's quick with the banhammer against the live chat. Mostly he uses it against people who subscribe to the GIFT, as demonstrated when he started kicking people for suggesting violence or rape on Iron Liz just because they didn't like her puns.
  • Heroic BSOD:
    • For his April Fools' Day Episode, his dislike of Final Fantasy VIII catalyzes into a hate of the entire series so much so that it caused him to become Dr.Insano, even though he has admitted to actually liking the other games in the series.
    • This is wrestling! WRESTLE!!
    • Happens almost literally in his review of Highlander II the Quickening. He experiences a Windows fatal error message when he sees the back of the box call it "the smartest sci-fi thriller since Blade Runner." He's also wearing a "Hero" shirt from the Game Heroes.
  • Heroic Neutral: Most of the fights Spoony gets into are solely because the villain du jour shows up in his house and starts harrassing him.
  • I Call Him "Mister Happy": "... Space Mountain is my penis."
  • I Call It Vera: "Spoondalf's" Flame of Arnor.
  • Ill Boy: Apparently he used to be one.
    • He still is. Just an adult version.
  • Kick the Dog: As hilarious as it was, casually blackmailing The Nostalgia Critic with crossdressing pictures of him taken during his drugged-out rape was kinda harsh.
  • Madness Mantra: "You have failed" from Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's Revenge.
    • Recently, when words fail him, he utters this: Deep Wang.
  • Mean Character, Nice Actor: Some of his jokes actually do cross the line. When not in "review mode," Spoony is much calmer and nicer; he explains in one commentary that no, he's not actually going to stab anyone in the brain. He also is on record as (sort-of) apologizing for that "Final Fantasy VIII sucks and you suck for liking it!" line by elaborating that since he's devoted so much time to it, and plays the "song you only listen to if you're a pussy" that he must be a pussy too.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Just look at how long his Fetish Fuel page is!
  • Orwellian Editor: Spoony tends to delete some unconstructive or offensive criticism from his forum and comments section.
    • It got bad enough on Wrestle Wrestle videos, where Spoony introduced videos made by Sean Fausz and the Critical Marine that he deleted several comments, banned several people, and now neither Sean nor the Marine's videos allow you to post comments.
    • The comments section of his Kickassia DVD promo has been locked as well.
    • And, then when he linked to some magic cards someone made for him, and someone else pointed out an entire card deck made for him, well...that update had to go away.
  • Papa Wolf: There are multiple examples of this trope.
  • Perma Stubble: He's often unshaven in his videos. Whether or not he's clean-shaven is sometimes a coin-toss.
  • Pet the Dog: At the beginning of his Final Fantasy X review, he said the soundtrack is "excellent", the cutscenes are "striking and memorable", and the battle system is "really, really damn good." Of course, he said all of this just before tearing X a new one.
    • At the end of the special, after spending a good four or so hours berating the game, he provides a list of incredibly favorable reviews courtesy of multiple highly credible sources. Of course, whether it's this or an expression of extreme disbelief à la Red Letter Media is up to you.
    • He now has an actual dog to pet.
  • Phrase Catcher: "You're in my spot sir." "OH FUCK YOU!". Apparently it's second nature, since he says it accidentally during his review of the live-action Tekken.
  • Red Oni: In his E3 videos, concerning the new X-COM game. He is extremely unhappy with the remake and its accompanying risk of replacing his X-COM with the new one in the minds of most gamers. His counterpart? Angry Joe, of all people.
  • Sanity Slippage: In his review of Mazes and Monsters, the mother's comment about not going to MIT to become a computer programmer leads Spoony to reflect this upon himself and question what he's been doing with his life for the past 10 years while reviewing games and movies, before he pulls out a gun and goes crazy. The camera cuts out and shows a picture of a ton of white Lego Men tackling another man who's gone crazy, with the caption "We'll be right back. Time for my medicine."
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: Long enough and loud enough to the point of having a Heroic Blue Screen of Death after just LOOKING at the DVD cover of the Wing Commander movie.
    • Again in the Nostalgia Critic's review of "The Room", when Spoony interrupts the Critic to tell him that nobody should have to review Highlander 2, only to be told of the actual movie being reviewed.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Mostly while in-character, much like the rest of his colleagues.
  • Smark: Spoony fits many aspects of the traditional smark, pickiness, extensive research, knowledge and love of Indy stars, a deeply cynical attitude towards wrestling, Rooting for the Empire, Spoony is however a lot nicer than the stereotypical Smark and usually has good things to say about almost every wrestler, hell, the man gave John Cena and Hulk Hogan props.
    • You can tell that while he makes fun of Cena frequently, Spoony does have some modicum of respect for the man, and stated that he's one of the few young guys today that actually seems to care for the business. He's even stated during the Wrestlemania 27 review that Cena does up his game for PPV's, but at the same time shouldn't be depended on to carry a match.
  • Stalker Shrine: Joked about having one for Morgan Webb in his basement in his Phantasmagoria review, which apparently contains a dessicated human corpse.
  • Start of Darkness: Atributed to Microcosm, which comes wrapped in so much turd-polishing, promised so much and delivered so very little that it broke his youthful optimism and made him the bitter, cynical shell he is today.
  • Stupid Sexy Flanders: In his New Moon review, he spends a lot of time describing Jacob.
    • Used almost literally, though not for being gay: After explaining how finding Rikku attractive is pretty much pedophilia, out pops a picture of an attractive woman/girl cosplaying in Rikku's Stripperiffic outfit, throwing his rant of track untill he snaps back with a "Stupid Sexy Cosplayers".
  • Too Kinky to Torture: When Angry Joe tries to strangle him at the end of Spooning With Spoony II, Spoony responds by proclaiming his love for erotic asphyxiation.

 Spoony: "I call this one the shaken baby syndrome."

  • Troll: Since the beginning of the Experiment, Spoony has openly revelled in goading fans of many things for the Lulz, most prominently Final Fantasy VIII. He also enjoys annoying his fanbase when he believes they are in the wrong.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's Revenge drove him to Nightmare Fueling levels of anger, including a Skyward Scream..... which Benzaie heard all the way from France.

 Benzaie: "Beary?? Did you hear that?? That was the sound of ultimate suffering! My heart made that sound the first time I saw Sonic turning into a werewolf... The Spoony One makes it now."

Beary: "Do you think that we should go help him?"

Benzaie: "Are you kidding? I just got into the Brotherhood of Steel!"

    • The discovery of a third game in the Heroes Of The Lance series led to a Skyward Scream that blew up the world.
    • Subverted in his review of Garzey's Wing. He is ALMOST sent into an unstoppable rage because of the voice actress of the fairy girl alone. Fortunately, the excellent hotel bathroom attendant was able to calm him down and make him forget that the anime even exists.

 Sage: "Damn that guy is good."


Regular Characters[]

Burton the Robot[]

Orignally created for a Mystery Science Theater 3000 type series that never came to pass, Burton is Spoony's robot. He basically just sits in the background of most reviews. Despite this, he's mentioned in the opening credits.

Dr. Insano[]

"I brought science!"

A recurring character in both The Spoony Experiment and Atop the Fourth Wall, Dr. Insano is a mad scientist bent on world domination, and the former President of the United States. He's also Linkara's archenemy.

  • A Day in the Limelight - As an April Fools' Day gag, he took over the show as "The Insano Experiment" on April 1st 2010 to deliver an Alternate Character Interpretation review of Ferris Buellers Day Off.
    • And now, after Spoony went missing, he took over again and reviewed another movie, The Dungeonmaster.
  • Arch Enemy: To Linkara (at least in the earlier parts of the Atop the Fourth Wall story line.)
  • Asexuality - In the commentary for the The Beastmaster 2, Noah says that he always thought of Insano this way, and that back when he planned on the Nurse appearing, she was going to have the hots for Insano but he never noticed because he was too focused on science. Of course, he said this in response to Epileptic Trees fans put forth suggesting that Insano was gay after he pulled out a literal Gaydar and acted defensive when Spoony asked why he had one to begin with.
  • Asshole Victim: According to the Cinema Snob's Bibleman review he was raped in prison and traumatised so badly he sewed up his backside.
  • Beware the Silly Ones - Though played for laughs, Insano does have moments where he's actually able to be a legitimate menace, such as discovering the Anti-Comic Equation (Warrior #1), taking control of Neutro (the titular robotic weapon sought after by dozens of mad scientists in the comic Linkara reviewed), and hiring Squall to kill Spoony.
    • Also takes revenge on Mechakara by saving him from Linkara's BFG... only to torture him to death in retaliation for making him get a haircut.
    • He's killed thousands with an army of robotic suicide squirrels. (Of course, this might be an Informed Attribute, seeing as his inventions rarely work as planned.)
    • He made a Human Spider!
    • But that doesn't even compare with his latest bit of cruelty. He fixed a Atari Jaguar CD so Spoony could play it!
  • Big Bad: Serves as this to TGWTG team as a whole, being the arch enemy of Spoony, Linkara, a recurring foe of the Nostalgia Critic as well as having encounters with Paw and Angry Joe.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Come on, his name is Doctor Insano! "Honestly, what what is it about the name 'Doctor Insano' that eludes you people?!"
  • Catch Phrase: "With SCIENCE of course!" Sometimes contracted to just "SCIENCE!" as a Battle Cry or Chewbacca Defense.
  • Continuity Snarl / Negative Continuity: "There is no continuity, there is only Insano", as Spoony put it in a commentary.
  • Cartoonish Supervillainy
  • Enemy Mine: Linkara quite frequently teams up with Insano to defeat worse villains.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Hates that Ferris Bueller is an unmotivated slacker who charms everyone into getting everything he wants. "I may be evil, but at least I'm not full of crap!!"
  • Evil Gloating
  • Eviler Than Thou: And "Sciency-er" than thou.
  • For the Evulz: Attempted to kill Spoony, despite the fact that it basically means killing himself in a parody of Ultimecia's plot.
  • For SCIENCE!!
  • Giggling Villain
  • Goggles Do Something Unusual: He claims that they protect him from his patented Neuralizer.
    • In his review of The Dungeonmaster, he lists off about a dozen useful functions they have - death rays, telescopic vision, X-ray vision, hypno vision, night vision, flash bang protection, digital photography of "like a zillion megapixels", contain a terabyte of mp3 space, they open his garage door, work as a universal remote for his TV, and are connected to Facebook and Twitter. (though they are largely Informed Abilities).
    • It seems the only weakness of Dr. Insano's goggles thus far is a Bruce Lee impersonator in tiny pink shorts.
  • Go-Karting with Bowser: One week, he tries to viciously murder Spoony. The next, he's hanging out on Spoony's couch riffing on kung fu exploitation flicks. Apparently they live together, but Spoony has made Insano promise to stop trying to kill people, "especially me!"
  • Goofy Print Underwear: The Warrior #4 review shows him in boxer shorts with red hearts when Linkara asks him why he's not wearing pants. Insano replies that it's not important right now.
  • High Collar of Doom: Laments that he can't find a labcoat that has one.
  • Large Ham: A ham of the cartoonishly villainous kind.
  • Laughably Evil
  • Mad Artist: Revealed to be this in the Nostalgia Critic/Obscurus Lupa crossover review of Simon Sez.
  • Mad Doctor
  • Mad Scientist
  • Mr. Fixit: He managed to get an Atari Jaguar CD working (for just long enough for Spoony to record footage off it before it broke down again), a feat which even The Angry Video Game Nerd and his own technical genius friend had failed at.
  • Multiple Choice Past: Is Dr. Insano an incarnation of Spoony trapped in a Stable Time Loop? Was he one of the horny and nerdy Schlumper brothers who, after being rejected by his high school crush, turned to mad science in the hopes that he could create a artificial girlfriend? Was he a woman (or possibly a robot) until Linkara punched a hole in the fabric of the multiverse? Was he a split personality of Spoony? Word of God is that "the origins of Dr. Insano are shrouded in mystery". Also keep in mind that the Rule of Funny applies here. "It's kind of cute how people are trying to come up with some kind of continuity for all this. There's no continuity, there's only Insano."
    • This hasn't dissuaded Chad Rocco coming up with a perfectly coherent explanation.
    • To add to the confusion, if Kickassia has proven Insano to be an evil split personality, is he the evil version of the original Spoony (who is now a Black Lantern), or the clone Spoony? Or is the Spoony seen in Kickassia, a good version of clone Insano?
  • Not So Harmless: A couple of examples: when he sends Squall to kill Spoony at the end of the Final Fantasy VIII review and when he gets his revenge on Mechakara in Atop the Fourth Wall.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: He doesn't specialise in Science, so long as it's mad!
  • President Evil: Inspired by Edea and Lex Luthor. His running mate was Fu Manchu. Word of God says he was eventually impeached.

 Insano: [giving his inaugural speech] I even used my real name! You voted for a guy named Dr. Insano!

  • The Starscream: Occasionally plots to take over Spoony's site.
  • Truly Single Parent: To an odd, pink, orb-shaped "son" named Son of Insano that is totally not a pink Koosh ball.
  • Villain Decay: He goes back and forth. When introduced, Insano was a hair's breadth away from conquering the world, but was soon reduced to a lonely, pathetic wretch... then he murdered Spoony, but the next episode came groveling back asking to stay at Spoony's house... then he killed Tidus... and the cycle continues.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Being hit with a comic book takes him down pretty easily. Either that or he's just that puny.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Implied a few times (see his breakdown at the end of Spoony's Street Fighter 2010 review), but played for laughs.


Noah Antwiler's Parson Russell Terrier (mix?), a former stray he adopted from a shelter. In the continuity of Spoony's reviews, she was pulled out of a top hat by Simcoe the Magician.

  • Abnormal Ammo: In the new animated opening, Spoony uses the Final Fantasy VIII dog cannon to fire her at his enemies.
  • Animal Reaction Shot
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Unintentional example in the "Last Ride of Tandem the Spoony" vlog, when Spoony won't give her the squeaky toy and she seems to stare plaintively into the camera as though appealing to the audience against this injustice.
  • Camera Abuse: Has a knack for bumping the tripod during Spoony's vlogs, causing the frame to shake.
  • Character Blog: Has her own Twitter account.
  • Creating Life / Truly Single Parent: In the context of the main show's continuity (as opposed to vlogs) she was created from two Oreo cookies and some magic by Simcoe the Magician from Skullduggery.
  • Dogs Are Dumb: In the Final Fantasy X 2 finale, Spoony orders her to bring him guns... and she comes back with a squeaky toy.
  • Funny Background Event: Does this a lot in Spoony's Counter Monkey vlogs.
    • This extends to Funny Offscreen Event - in one vlog, Noah notes that she's having a dream, and wakes her up, which confuses her. In one of the bloopers for Linkara's Mr. T #2, she can be heard chewing on a squeaky toy, which annoys Dr. Insano.
  • Genki Girl: Comes with being a Jack Russell.
  • Go Fetch: Already knew this before Spoony adopted her.
  • Heroes Love Dogs
  • Loyal Animal Companion
  • Motor Mouth: How Noah articulated her thought processes on Twitter before adopting a LOLcats style.
  • Phrase Catcher: Typically Noah will be halfway through a vlog or view, only to have Oreo leap into the scene, demanding attention...

 Noah: Hi doggie!


Minor Characters[]

The Avatar[]

The main character of the Ultima series. Frequently frustrated by the fact that no one knows who he is, despite being the literal Christ figure of Britannia.

Black Lantern Spoony[]

The original Spoony One, killed by Squall Leonhart on Doctor Insano's orders and later brought back as a Black Lantern as a side-effect of the Blackest Night. Briefly served as a pawn for Mechakara. This undead monstrosity now seeks to destroy his clone and take his show back going so far as to turn Tidus into a Black Lantern in order to do so. In the final part of Final Fantasy X, the clone Spoony and Black Lantern Spoony ended up being merged into one being by Linkara with his Star Trek technology.

Christian Spoony[]

An escaped clone of Spoony, created by Doctor Insano, who appeared in a review by Diamanda Hagan. He hosts a show called The Spoony Revelations.

Chuckles the Fucking Jester[]

Based on the annoying jester from Ultima VI mixed with the voices of forum trolls (similar to Douchey Mcnitpick), debuted in the review of that game. Spoony laser-blasted him for being a massive prick, so Chuckles accepted a Sinestro Corps ring from the Gate Cleaner to get his revenge.

The Gate Cleaner[]

The nephew of the Gate Keeper character from the Atmosfear VHS board games (played by an unshaven, hooded Spoony). The Gate Cleaner demanded that Spoony review every game in the Atmosfear series on punishment of being banished to the blagole, but Spoony reneged; the Cleaner is currently planning his revenge. We have also seen The Book Keeper (played by Linkara) and The Gate Keither (Bandit Keith from Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, voiced by Little Kuriboh). Suburban Knights revealed he is married to The House Keeper, played by a cross-cast Spoony.

Giant Dizzy Gillespie[]

Scourge of Spoony's action figure collection. Has his own line of T-shirts.

The Guardian[]

An evil god from another dimension, the Guardian is the main villain of the Ultima series. The Ultimate Warrior apparently worships him.

The Headless[]

Played by Miles, he comes in to attack The Spoony One when reviewing the Ultima series.


Dr. Insano's Humongous Mecha. Originally the product of a short-lived Silver Age comic book reviewed by Linkara on Atop the Fourth Wall, Insano took control of the metal monster to serve his quest for world domination. Although destroyed by Linkara with his magic gun in his first appearance, Neutro has apparently been rebuilt.

  • Evil Counterpart: Cited as Insano's equivalent of Spoony's Burton in the Ferris Buellers Day Off review. (Though Neutro is just a mindless machine.)
  • Hypocritical Humour: When Spoony is ranting about how he hates characters with spiral eyes and giant robots from Final Fantasy X, Insano drops in to ask him if he remembers where he parked Neutro. We find out later that Linkara stole Neutro as a contingency plan to battle Mechakara
  • People in Rubber Suits: His latest appearance, with Iron Liz in the suit. Previously he was represented by a 2D animation effect.
  • Sequel Difficulty Spike: Inverted, "Neutro 2.0" from the Blackest Night crossover review goes down easily.

Police Brutality Cop[]

Played by Noah's brother and only appearing twice so far, he comes running in to stop illegal actions, from (what sounded like) child porn to (Insano) getting up on a float and signing.

  • Catch Phrase: STOP RESISTING!
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Beats up Doctor Insano for getting on a parade float and singing. Unless it had more to do with his murder of thousands with robotic suicide squirrels.
  • Imagine Spot: He beats up Insano in one.
  • Mean Character, Nice Actor: Miles is a nice guy, to the point that Noah gets defensive at any accusation that Miles or any normal police officer condones this character's behaviour. That doesn't stop him from using this as a joke.
  • Police Brutality: Natch.


A monster with a pumpkin for a head; apparently the titular hillbilly vengeance demon from the Pumpkinhead film series (and the videogame adaptation that Spoony reviewed) despite the visual disparity between the two.


The villain of Final Fantasy VII. Had some brief appearances throughout Spoony's review of X-2, before killing Yuna in the finale... and handing Spoony a copy of Final Fantasy XIII.

Simcoe the Magician[]

Spoony plays his version of the magician character from Skullduggery.

Son of Insano[]

A fuzzy pink orb-shaped freak of nature created by Doctor Insano from his own splooge.

Spencer D. Bum[]

Spoony's version of Doug Walker's Chester A. Bum character, brought in for bum-related jokes. Proved unpopular, so he only appeared in jokes about him being unpopular, and was eventually killed off in the Final Fantasy X review.


The Hero of Final Fantasy VIII Hired by Dr. Insano to kill the original Spoony.

  • BFS: The Gunblade, which can actually shoot stuff outside the game.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Dr. Insano would never have been able to afford Squall's services had Squall not offered to kill Spoony for free because of the review.
  • Heroic Mime: Still. Lampshaded by Insano.

  "Why did I give a walkie-talkie to a guy who speaks in text boxes?"

  • Hero-Killer: He mortally wounds the original Spoony, only to be caught in an explosion.


A not-at-all-exaggerated version of the alien Psychlo villain from Battlefield Earth played by Spoony. Originally just a one-off role in The Nostalgia Critic's review of that film, he proved popular enough to return in Spoony's review of the Wing Commander film.

  • Camp
  • Catch Phrase: "While you were still learning to spell your naaaaame...!"
  • Cloning Blues: After dying in his first appearance, he was cloned back to life for his second.
  • Fartillery: According to him the only reason the incompetent Psychlos are such feared warriors is that they fart nuclear bombs out of their anuses.
  • A God Am I: His "ability" to instinctively know the height above sea level of different locations makes him one, in his opinion.
  • Large Ham: Spoony manages to out-ham John Travolta.
  • Noblewoman's Laugh: possibly deliberately invoked.
  • One-Scene Wonder: Appears fairly briefly in the Nostalgia Critic's Battlefield Earth review. Arguably steals the show.
  • Portmanteau: The cloned Terl calls himself a "Psychlone", which only confuses Spoony as he hears it as 'cyclone'.
  • Small Name, Big Ego / Miles Gloriosus: He makes out that he and all other Psychlos are an advanced alien race...until the Critic gets him to admit to his Fartillery strategy.
  • Stylistic Suck: Mocking Battlefield Earth`s use of a tilted camera, Terl is always filmed on an absurd tilt as well.
    • His third appearance takes this even further - Terl is tilted in the opposite direction to the chroma-keyed backdrop behind him.
  • Throw It In: Noah was dissatisfied with the original performance because, thanks to the awkward way he had to film it, Terl often wasn't looking directly at the camera. However, fan feedback suggested this blended seamlessly into the deliberate Stylistic Suck.
  • What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Has the "godly" ability to instinctively know the height above sea level of different locations.


The main character from Final Fantasy X. Was brought back from the dead to fight Spoony.

The Ultimate Spoony[]

A parody of Professional Wrestler the Ultimate Warrior, played by Spoony, who shows up in Linkara and Spoony's joint reviews of his bizarre and horrible tie-in comic, and occasionally in Spoony's other reviews. Somehow gained a Red Lantern ring, and is now working for the evil interdimensional god, the Guardian.


Supporting character of Final Fantasy X and main character of its sequel, Final Fantasy X 2. Sought revenge for Tidus after the Final Fantasy X 2 review.

Real People[]

Miles Antwiler[]

Noah Antwiler's real-life younger brother. Miles occasionally joins Spoony out-of-character for his v-logs to provide a counterpoint for his reviews, as well as acting as a body double in Spoony's reviews.

  • Cop Brother
  • Different As Night and Day: One's a Hot-Blooded, snarky comedian! One's a stoic, calm, responsible police officer! Together they... occasionally review movies.
  • The Faceless: Previously, he usually appeared off-screen or had his face concealed. His face was finally seen in the Tekken: Blood Vengeance review.
  • Fair Cop: He's an actual police officer.
  • Foil: Unintentionally makes a perfect foil to his brother--both are snarky and have no problem pointing out flaws in a show or movie. However, whereas Noah is Hot-Blooded and prone to Angrish-filled rants, Miles is almost always a deadpan straight man. They highlight each other remarkably well.
  • Police Brutality: Though actually a nice guy, during the Ferris Buellers Day Off review he appears and beats the hell out of Insano for singing on top of a parade float without being part of the act. Then again, Insano is a mass murderer. Meanwhile, when Skullduggery has mother-child sex roleplay (both characters are adults), he busts in smacking Spoony for child pornography.
  • Pretty Boy: It is said.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Spoony's red.
  • The Stoic


Spoony's former girlfriend was the webmistress, forum admin, and "fan-boy dominatrix" of the site prior to their breakup. Scarlett received sundry shout-outs on Noah's blog and v-logs, and maintains her own review blog here.