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- In his review of Warrior #1, Lewis!Insano [1] gives Noah!Linkara a choice [2] between the comic and his suicide pistol. Noah!Linkara asks for the gun, and Lewis!Insano says "you will read the comic!" while threatening him with the same gun. I thought that was funny, but I can't tell if it was intentional or not.
- I always took it as Linksano pulling an unspoken I Lied justification out his ass like more devious villains do.
- That's not the fridge logic part. Noah was going to shoot himself, he can't be threatened that way... unless he was bluffing because Death Is Cheap! I get it now!
- Or, y'know, he could have been threatening to shoot him non-fatally, which would sting something fierce.
- It would be very difficult to shoot him non-fatally.
- Not when it's a magic gun.
- It would be very difficult to shoot him non-fatally.
- Maybe he was willing to kill himself, but not be killed by Linksano?
- Maybe he was going to use the gun to shoot linksano?
- Random inquiry: Does Scarlett ever show up in any of his videos? I know he makes numerous references to her, but do we ever see her in action?
- She doesn't appear because of the Fan Dumb. I don't know the full story, but shit went down. Shit went down, bitch.
- She appeared once. Once. It was his acceptance video for the award he won. For whatever reason his, Fan Dumb attacked her in that video. A video in which he made an acceptance speech for an award he won. Make sense of that.
- :| That's probably one of the dumbest cases of Fan Dumb I've ever heard.
- Don't you know what video it was?
- No, because Spoony and Scarlett took the video down when the hating got bad enough.
- Can I just ask what the reasoning for this abuse was?
- GIFT, what else?
- Yeah, but what specifically is the fanboys beef with Scarlet? Is this some sort of "there are no girls online" sexism thing? I just want to know what the supposed problem is.
- From what I gathered, it's a mix of Hollywood Homely / Hollywood Pudgy scorn. She's fairly attractive, but not supermodel-level — and GIFTers hate that!
- Right, so it's as retarded as I thought. Cheers.
- She appeared once. Once. It was his acceptance video for the award he won. For whatever reason his, Fan Dumb attacked her in that video. A video in which he made an acceptance speech for an award he won. Make sense of that.
- She doesn't appear because of the Fan Dumb. I don't know the full story, but shit went down. Shit went down, bitch.
- What is that clip he plays sometimes when he makes a really tasteless joke, the one of the crowd booing?
- It looks like a political rally, but I really wouldn't know.
- It looks like something from a sci-fi convention, as it looks like the crowd is wearing starfleet uniforms.
- Or possibly a political sci-fi convention rally, Trekkies for a Communist Tomorrow?
- How does Spoony see when he's wearing the Insano glasses?
- One-way transparent plastic.
- Actually, it is: the glasses are translucent plastic with lines drawn on them; from a distance of more than five feet, they appear opaque, but closer up it's possible to see the wearer's eyes. The lines on them aren't transparent, but the spirals have enough blank space to allow a narrow window of viewing. Since this window is very close to the wearer's eyes, it doesn't hinder vision any more than, say, venetian-shades glasses, thanks to light physics. Additionally, the spirals are not identical, allowing the blind spot of one eye to be compensated for by the other. The only difficult thing to tell is color, as the glasses are tinted.
- Okay, so I've seen floating around here that Spoony's battlecry is WOLVERINES!, and yes, I know that it's potholed to Red Dawn, so my question is this: Where does this come up (if at all) in his videos? I'm sorry, I'm just very confused... ^^; I mean, it was used in Kickassia, but it's also on Spoony's main page. Help...?
- One example is the Robowar review (just before the big shoot-like-a-maniac-montage of various TGWTG people), it's used in several SWAT 4 episodes as well (2-3 times in Mission 10, probably Missions 6 as well), though that's just off the top of my head.
- Thanks. XD I just keep hearing about it...
- Also in his Dirty Dancing review.
- It was also used at the end of Paw's "Top 9 New School Game Soundtracks" video.
- One example is the Robowar review (just before the big shoot-like-a-maniac-montage of various TGWTG people), it's used in several SWAT 4 episodes as well (2-3 times in Mission 10, probably Missions 6 as well), though that's just off the top of my head.
- Why doesn't Insano use his Anti-Magic generator kit to deal with Linkara?
- He's a supervillain, and so is obliged to forget his phlebotinum.
- True. My belief was that Linkara is much tougher than Insano, so even without his magic he can still Man Punch him. Why they don't do that in a skit, though...
- Well, the fine print says that he doesn't supply his own Raritanium, so presumably he was keeping it all for himself and just plain ran out. And he's been too busy to look for more fuel for the thing.
- Looks like Atop the Fourth Wall will deal with this issue, as the end of Marvel Team-Up #74 suggests Dr Insano is behind the Magic Gun turning off.
- He's a supervillain, and so is obliged to forget his phlebotinum.
- Can someone who's actually played the game tell me whether Spoony's review of The Thing was accurate? After I watched it I just assumed it was, but it says on Wikipedia that the game sold really well and the critics seemed to like it. There was no hint of the incredible venom Spoony displayed in his review. That and the fact that the main page for The Spoony Experiment says that Spoony has made woefully inaccurate reviews in the past.
- He was also very critical of Final Fantasy 8 which was a pretty solid game so i`d say he was accentuating the negative
- Having played the game myself I can honestly say that he did Accentuate the Negative...but not by much. The game truly is So Okay It's Average. Most of his complaints are valid though, the blood test does not reveal who is The Thing even if you use it a few feet from where an NPC is scripted to turn, Soldiers aren't all that much better with weapons than the other classes, there are a metric ton of fuse boxes but occasionally The Thing will pop out of a vent or something as you or an Engineer fixes it (hence holding the repair button), etc. It's not as bad as is review makes it out to be, but your not missing out on anything either.
- In the Highlander: Endgame review, was Pat the NES Punk being serious when he said Spoony's review of Privateer 2 was way off base?
- To both of the above its a matter of opinion Pat did like privateer 2 though
- In his commentary, Spoony says that in Pat's opinion, the game is basically a flawed masterpiece, and he admits most of Spoony's criticisms. Remember how Spoony said that Privateer 2 would make a good Sci-fi movie if it actually worked? Well, Pat basically judges it as the Sci-fi movie the cutscenes make when pieced together.
- So, why does Spoony think Final Fantasy X is worse than Final Fantasy VIII? I mean, I can see why he hates it, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out why he hates it more than FFVIII. At the very least, FFX doesn't have an arbitrary and broken leveling system. Hell, he admitted that he likes the battle system.
- He just really hates Tidus.
- The decent battle system and non-broken leveling system are about the only things FFX has going for it. Other than that, FFX doubles down on every single bad plot device and gameplay fuckup of FFVIII and adds a few nasty surprises of its own.
- Hey, you forgot Auron!
- So I did. Okay, backtrack. The decent battle system, non-broken leveling system, and Auron are about the only things FFX has going for it.
- The commentary for the last part of his FFX review mentions that he isn't much a fan of the leveling system either, as he finds the Sphere Grid to be pointless and give the illusion of being much less linear than it really is.
- Why does he keep labeling vlogs as "reviews?" When I click a link called "Transmorphers: Fall of Man Review" I want the review and nothing else! I don't want to wait almost eight minutes before he even mentions the name of the movie! And that's not the only video he does that with. Is it too much to ask for a simple list of relevant timecodes and to name the video "Vlog Date X (includes review of Transmorphers: Fall of Man)"?
- If it makes you feel better, he does list these under the 'V-log' category in the video list page. Beyond that, it's pretty easy to tell when it's a v-log from the still shown.
- The naming conventions differ from video to video. Even so, he should have a "quick review" category for the "talk to the camera for five minutes"-type of review and put the housekeeping-style blogs elsewhere.
- Why don't you email him the suggestion then, since apparently you know how to run his site better then he does.
- So, how much of his epic Fan Hater tendencies are his character and how much is Noah himself exactly?
- None of them are his.
- I'd be inclined to disagree with that, what with his vlog claims that anyone who likes Final Fantasy XIII is delusional and anyone who likes Tron: Legacy is easily amused and has bad taste.
- I'd say his "epic Fan Hater tendencies" are his real opinions exaggerated to an extreme degree. If you listen to his Vlogs and the commentaries of his videos you'll notice that he does stand by the things he says in his reviews even if in real life he doesn't run around screaming about how awful Highlander 2 was.
- Just to settle it once and for all, as stated in his Final Fantasy X review commentary, he does NOT hate fans of the game. In fact, he doesn't even care. It's just an exaggerated persona he puts on to amuse people. And it's really tiring that everyone thinks he's serious when he says, "Kill them! Kill them all!" about Final Fantasy fans.
- None of them are his.
- Why did the Ultimate Warrior get a Red Lantern ring?Red is supposed to be rage,yet the Ultimate Warrior doesn't show a hint of true anger.Not even base anger like Spoony shows.He's just utterly insane
- Have you even seen any of the Youtube clips of the Ultimate Warrior? The man is a total rage-aholic in addition to being nuttier than a peanut factory.
- What happened to Dr. Insano's orbital deathray?
- What happened to his review of Minority Report on Xbox?
- not happening, most likely
- He did point out in is Ultima VI review (after dealing with Chuckles) that MR is one of many games that forgot to review
- not happening, most likely
- Is Burton gone for good? He disappeared at the end of a video a few months ago and I don't think he's appeared or been mentioned since.
- Burton would probably show up at the end of the Final Fantasy X-2 reviews.
- Can someone explain to me if Spoony changed its criteria about judging movies recently??? because When he review Tranformers 3 he said that just a few awesome things happening at the last hour cannot redeem the movie for the sheer bullshit that you have to endure (ok fair enough, after all 90% of crap arent worth the 10% of whatever coolness may have) BUT THEN in some vlog that i cant remember well right now (UPDATE: It was the Eclipse Vlog) he said something about Sin City that baffled me. He said that he could have enjoyed the movie if it wasnt for Jessica Alba performance and it just ruined the whole experience. Ehm....what? how this makes any sense? so in one case we got crap that overwhelms the good bits but THEN in another case just one thing manages to ruin all the movie experience and cant let it go? how can a single moment ruin a entire experience even if in the long run the whole thing was satisfactory?
- Well there is the Dethroning Moment of Suck Trope for those kind of moments but i agree that there isnt much of a reason unless he was going to the movies with the "Must-Hate" mentality (specially for something as transformers)The moment that he mentioned in the Sin City reference was the actress Jesica Alba, isnt it? i also tough it was unbearable but not a deal breaker
- He's just relaying how he felt about the movies. To him both were ruined but in seperate ways, there's no logic to it.
- In his Tekken movie review, he expressed annoyance when Jin said "You are in my way." Was this a reference to a previous game/movie he reviewed (because this troper hasn't seen all of his videos)?
- It's a running gag started by his playthrough of SWAT 4. His fellow officers would infuriate him by constantly saying "You're in my way, Sir". So now whenever anyone says something like that he freaks out on them.
- I'm probably being really naive by asking this - but why do people troll him so much? Why him, in particular? I mean, I know it's the internet and that trolling is expected, but I've never actually heard of trolls getting THIS violent.
- Trust me when I say it's not just him. As examples, Doug got his address and phone number leaked with rape threats as a bonus, Lindsay gets a lot of shit about her abortion and I've lost count of the homophobic/transphobic jokes that Linkara/Liz had to put up with. I guess the site people are just seen as easy targets.
- Wait, Linkara and Liz deal with homophobic/transphobic jokes? Why?
- Because troll-like people are obsessed with the thought of Liz actually being a guy.
- Wait, Linkara and Liz deal with homophobic/transphobic jokes? Why?
- ...The only reason I haven't lost faith in humanity at this moment in time is because of how awesome the TGWTG team are in the fact that they can deal with shit like this all the damn time. God DAMN.
- Trust me when I say it's not just him. As examples, Doug got his address and phone number leaked with rape threats as a bonus, Lindsay gets a lot of shit about her abortion and I've lost count of the homophobic/transphobic jokes that Linkara/Liz had to put up with. I guess the site people are just seen as easy targets.
- You know? I find weird that Spoony doesnt get by the time Twilight Eclipse came out that the series is more Escapism to proyect into the "character" (sarcastic quotes) of Bella Swan than anything else. Sort of like Indiana Jones is there for the people to BE him doing the adventures rather than caring about him (Dont look at me like that, Its what Mr. Plinket said) I am missing the point? Do you think i have missed something important in Spoony's razoning? I mean, besides Bella being a horrible person to use as escapism.
- I think he gets that. If you ask me, it's just yet another reason to hate Bella (and Twilight in general). Now, whether or not you like the books/movies in any sense (YMMV, of course), there is no denying that the series was pretty much everyone constantly praising Bella in some way, shape, or form towards the end. Considering that Spoony absolutely hates Bella and finds her to be a deplorable human being, this aspect of the series would be especially annoying to him.
- There are also of plenty of "escapism characters" who are also noble and heroic people. To borrow the Indiana Jones example above, he may be a terrible archaeologist (damaging tombs to enter them, stealing artifacts from still-living cultures, being a little too willing to kill people to get the job done), but he's not a bad person. He'll risk his life to save others, agrees to help out a Indian village for no benefit to himself, fought in World War 2, and his main goal is to salvage artifacts for a museum, instead of wanting them for personal gain like his enemies. Even if you didn't want to be him, you could still respect the guy. Bella, not so much.