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  • Some would say that the rapid deterioration of Lord Kat and Spoony's friendship, is a tear jerker in itself. Especially if you go back and listen to their D&D campaigns, and hear how much fun they're having, it's quite sad.
    • What makes it especially sad is that LordKat has made it crystal clear that he bears no ill will toward Spoony, and that the door remains open for their friendship to be rekindled. Spoony, however, has continually turned down every offer (and opportunity) to do so.
  • His reaction to the death of Kodo in The Beastmaster. "No joke, when I saw that as a kid, I wept for days. I'm still traumatized!"
  • Vlog 12-14-11 – Trip to DC, Stop SOPA! is absolutely heartbreaking. Not only is Noah visibly shaken by his trip to DC, but he also explains how, while none are ready to give up the fight just yet, all the contributors of That Guy With The Glasses have been talking about what they would do if the bill passes, knowing full well that their sites could just like that be delisted, robbing them of their livelihood.
  • The blackened version of his logo used to protest SOPA. "The Experiment Is Over." For others, it was straight-up Nightmare Fuel.
  • The ideals of the Avatar playing over the Avatar butchering a bunch of kids, as the Platoon theme plays.
  • The end of his Breaking Dawn Part 1 review, where he briefly and drunkenly breaks down and admits to Linkara and Jew Wario that he's so lonely and depressed and asked them to help with the V-Log because he couldn't do it alone.
  • Near the end of the review of Game Over, Spoony is reminded that he still has to review Ultima IX...after some flashes of him screaming strapped to a chair wearing a straightjacket and goggles. After he leaves, the camera focuses menacingly on Burton... really puts the words "The Spoony Experiment" into perspective, huh?