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  • Fridge Brilliance:
    • The entire thing is a(n unintentional) dark and uncomfortable commentary on life around the holidays, save the brief moment of actual plot when the Imperial Soldiers search the house.
    • Leia appeared drunk (because Carrie Fisher was, or stoned, or both). A lot of people drink heavily over the holidays to stave off the stress and high emotions.
    • Han and Chewie took forever to get there as anyone caught in holiday traffic would.
    • Lots of people watch cooking shows to help prepare meals. Some of these shows are legitimately as annoying and unhelpful as the sketch.
    • Variety shows themselves can be pretty common during that time of year because they're cheap and quick to make.
    • The special is incredibly dull and so is a lot of the last few days leading up to a big holiday for the average family.
      • I could go on, but I think the connections are probably coming to anyone reading this as well.
    • The WMG labeled "Imagine the special had come out before VHS tapes or other home recording happened..."
    • It makes perfect sense that the band would play the song without lyrics when Ackmina's not around.
  • Fridge Logic:
    • The show ends with the Wookiees using magic crystal balls to don red Snuggies and travel to where all the other Wookiees are gathered for Life Day. That by itself is relatively acceptable, but how did the rest of the Star Wars cast manage to get there (especially Han, to whom they'd just said goodbye not two minutes earlier)? If he was going to go to the same place, why didn't he just go with them?
    • You're trying to apply logic to this special?
      • If I don't at least make an attempt, my brain tries to turn itself inside out.
    • One of the stormtroopers stumbled onto the railing and fell through it. This is the same railing that's supposed to prevent the Wookies (who are clearly larger and heavier) from falling out of their tree homes to the distant ground. Exactly what kind of engineering went into this? Was it all a plot by Mala to kill her irritating child?