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  • Americans Hate Tingle - As with the other Madchester artists, the band was much more popular in their native England than they were in the USA. The fact that they canceled their scheduled tour of the USA at the height of their fame didn't help at all.
  • Broken Base - Fans frequently disagree over whether Second Coming is good or not.
  • First Installment Wins - The Stone Roses is considered their Magnum Opus.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff - Second Coming was better received in the U.S. than it was in the U.K., to the point where some American fans prefer it over the debut.
  • It Gets Better - The main criticism of "Breaking Into Heaven" is the long 4-minute intro.
  • Replacement Scrappy - Aziz Ibrahim and Robbie Maddix.
  • Sophomore Slump - Second Coming. Still lots of debates over its actual quality, but its commercial slump can't be denied.
  • Vindicated by History - While the band was pretty popular at the time, their first album received some negative reviews by the press. Infamously, music magazine NME originally gave the album a 5 out of 10 rating, but in recent years has claimed that it's one of the best albums of all time.