Kaladin and Bridge Four taking on more or less an entire Parshendi army. And only three of them died despite the fact that most of Bridge Four had no actual battle experience at all and some of them were already wounded.
The part where Kaladin lands dead in the centre of a group of Parshendi and speaks the second ideal without ever having heard of it before "I Will protect those who cannot protect themselves".
Taken Up to Eleven when the Parshendi immediately recognise him as a Windrunner/Surgebinder, one of the Knights Radiant if not something more than even that (considering that he somehow knew the Ideal), and whole groups of them turn around and start running away. And then, a few chapters onward, the revelation arrives that the Parshendi and Parshmen are the Voidbringers. Who Kaladin just fought against (in their hundreds, possibly thousands) with no Blade and no Shardplate, and won.
Kaladin deciding to lead Bridge Four back to rescue Dalinar's men. giving up their chances of escape
Dalinar proving his loyalty to Elhokar by beating the shit out of him despite Elhokar's screaming for his guards (which were loyal to Dalinar) and trying to defend himself. The point is to prove that Dalinar could kill Elhokar whenever he wanted; he hasn't because he doesn't want to.
And while Dalinar's doing this he's also letting Elhokar know what a little shit he's been the whole time, and finishes it off by telling Elhokar that he's dating Elhokar's mom.
Dalinar gets another when he gives up his Shardblade, thus adhering to his ideals despite seemingly contradictory obligations. Also a heartwarming moment; see that page for details.
Dalinar again when he stops the Chasmfiend. By himself. Subverted in that he almost dies because everyone is just standing there in awe instead of actually helping.
Kaladin single handedly changing bridge runs forever by drawing the ire of the entire Parshendi army by wearing their dead in his armor and dodging all of the arrows fired at him until Sadeas' troops are in position. Certainly works better than his first idea.
The part where Kaladin dreams he is a highstorm blowing through the lands.
Kaladin killing a shardbearer with only a spear and minimal armor.
Just about every time Szeth fights. Running on walls, throwing people into ceilings, beating shardbearers with no weapons occasionally, and lastly, hitting a shardbearer with a giant stone accelerating at 20 times the acceleration of gravity, approximately 196 meters per second per second, turning the shardplate molten.
Kaladin again, pulling a Bavarian Fire Drillmore or less organizing the retreat of Dalinar's forces, ordering around Dalinar's officers, then topping it off by ordering around Adolin (who was waving his Shardblade around during the conversation) and Dalinar..