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  • Fridge Brilliance: It is mentioned several times that predicting the future is left to the Almighty. The final vision Dalinar sees shows him a possible future . . . and guess who that voice is that he's been hearing?
    • And as it turns out, even the Almighty can't do it very well.
    • Arrows have a habit of conveniently missing Kaladin just barely during bridge runs, hitting the wood near his hands and head instead. Keep in mind that he usually carries his money on his person during these runs, and that the spheres always seem to go dun a lot faster than they ought to. Now, how did Reverse Lashing work again?.
      • Does it count as Fridge Logic if it's explicitly explained in the text?
      • I say it is if you realize that before it is revealed. And given the length of the book, this is entirely possible.
      • It is so strongly suggested, even before it gets explicitly explained, that I don't think this counts. It is essentially revealed to the reader when the spheres start going dun. The later revelation is for the characters, not the reader.
      • YMMV of course, but I don't think think it was all that obvious. Ok, it's obvious in retrospect, but not the first time through.
  • Fridge Logic - It wasn't until I re-read the book (although maybe that means I'm just slow at picking up on these things) that I realized Dalinar had the perfect way to remove any suspicion that he tried to get Elhokar killed during the chasmfiend hunt, namely that, during said chasmfiend hunt, Dalinar saved Elhokar's life! If Dalinar had wanted Elhokar dead, he could have just let the chasmfiend kill him; instead he leapt in front of the creature's giant claw and actually caught it between his arms, saving the king's life. Why neither Dalinar, Adolin, Elhokar, or Sadeas ever brought up this point is a mystery to me.
    • Elhokar's paranoid enough that he wouldn't take that as proof, and Dalinar, Adolin, and Sadeas all know him well enough to know that. Remember what Dalinar had to put him through at the end of the novel to convince him?
    • I believe the reason was that they thought it was a gambit by Dalinar to get Elhokar to trust him, though I can't remember if this was explicitly stated in the text or something that I thought up on my own.
  • Fridge Horror - Remember all of the chapter headings with the death throes? This troper wondered continuously how they knew specifically how far away from death they were. Turns out that King Taravangian is systematically killing hundreds of people to hear those messages.