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  • Syl brings a rare plant to Kaladin to cheer him up. She'd seen him with it before he started to lose hope, but he lost it, so she figured that having one again would make him feel better. The plant in question? A deadly poison he had been keeping because he was comptemplating suicide. Well, it's the thought that counts.
  • How Rock ended up in Bridge 4 - "I may have, uh, enhanced the soup".

 "Wait, you put chull dung in Highprince Sadeas's soup?"

"Er, yes... Actually I put this thing in his bread too. And used it as a garnish on the pork steak. And made a chutney out of it for the buttered garams. Chull dung, it has many uses, I found."


  "Each man has his place, Mine is to make insults. Yours is to be in-sluts."


  "Oh and Elhokar? Your mother and I are now courting, you might want to start growing accustomed to that."
