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  • Syl finding a rare plant in the middle of a highstorm and bringing it back to Kaladin just because she'd seen him with one earlier, but he'd lost it. She did this unprompted (despite being none-to-bright up until this point), just because she didn't want him to give up hope. This would be heartwarming enough if she were a human, but, up until this point, spren weren't even corporeal. Also a Funny Moment; see that page for details.
  • When the men of Bridge Four give Rock a shaving razor.
  • Dalinar giving up his Shardblade to save Sadeas' bridgemen. It may have saved Kaladin's faith in humanity in general and the lighteyes in particular.

 Dalinar: How much is a man's life worth?

Kaladin: The slave traders say about two emerald broams.

Dalinar: And you?

Kaladin: A man's life is priceless.

Dalinar: Coincidentally, that is the exact value of a Shardblade. So today, you and your men sacrificed to buy me twenty-six hundred priceless lives. And all I had to repay you with was a single priceless sword. I call that a bargain.
