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  • Genius Bonus: The number 10 is used as a Numerological Motif throughout The Way Of Kings, and the concept of symmetry shows up repeatedly as having religious, cultural and magical significance. The book is 1001 pages long.
  • Magnificent Bastard: High Prince Sadeas Especially when it comes to his betrayal of Dalinar. So bastardly, yet so magnificent!
    • Dalinar even lampshades Sadeas as a Magnificent Bastard prior to the actual betrayal, because he thinks Sadeas has betrayed him. It was really Sadeas making his first moves toward the true betrayal.

  Dalinar: I've been outmaneuvered. Brilliantly.

  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • The things in Shallan's drawings.
    • And it would seem Elhokar is seeing them in the corners of his eyes and in mirrors...
    • Jasnah's disturbingly casual attitude when she uses her abilities to kill four people even if they did probably deserve it.
  • Wangst: Kaladin is a walking tower of this who seems to hit the Despair Event Horizon every third page he's on. Even he calls himself out on it several times, and Syl doing it inspires him to finally start trusting in the future.
    • Though you can't really blame him given...well...everything. There are shades of Seasonal Affective Disorder in Kaladin, as well.

 He recognized what was happening to him, this melancholy, this sense of despair. It had taken him often when he'd been younger, most frequently during the weeks of the Weeping, when the sky was hidden by clouds.

  • The Woobie: Several characters have this at times, particularily Kaladin and Dalinar.