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File:Supernaturalist (1).jpg

The Supernaturalist is a Sci Fi novel by Eoin Colfer. In the future, 14-year-old Cosmo Hill escapes from the Clarissa Frayne Institute for Parentally Challenged Boys in an accident that nearly takes his life. He is saved by a group of teenagers calling themselves "The Supernaturalists" because they seek to rid the world of strange, alien-like creatures that they call "Parasites" and believe are sucking the life out of the wounded or dying. However, they soon discover a horrifying secret that turns their world upside down and gets them caught in a web far more complicated than anything they've ever imagined before.

Contains examples of the following tropes:[]


  Mona: "When your skin heals up, Ditto says you'll be able to head-butt your way through a brick wall."


 *Face Palm* "You had to say it, didn't you? You're jinxed now, for sure!"
