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- Adaptation Displacement: Dutch Disney comics feature a Madame Mim story roughly once every month. None of these mention Arthur or Merlin, and they all take place in the Present Day. She's friends with Magica De Spell. Mim has a bad case of Villain Decay in these stories, to the point that some other writers have pretty much thrown her origin as a villain out of the window and made her a good guy.
- Draco in Leather Pants: As mentioned before, Madame Mim's popularity in comic books often renders her a good guy. In fact, when she is friends to Magica de Spell, she is invariably the Token Good Teammate.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Let's just say that the movie is not in fact about Arthur's doomed romance with a female squirrel, but you wouldn't know it from a lot of the discussion.
- Fan-Preferred Couple: It goes without saying that the girl squirrel would've been far better to Arthur than Guenevire was.
- Fanon: The Hazel story from 4chan's /co/. (As it's 4chan, it's probably NSFW). Many /co/mrades accept it as legit canon just because they want that squirrel to have a happy ending.
- Germans Love David Hasselhoff: The Dutch love Madame Mim. She's one of the most often seen Disney characters in the Netherlands. She's pretty popular in Sweden as well, where people who know her invariably learned about her from the comics.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Heh, Archimedes. Or alternately...
- Love to Hate: Madame Mim.
- Memetic Mutation: The female squirrel's reaction to Merlin changing back to normal has become a Youtube Poop fad.
- Nightmare Fuel: The pike sneaking behind Arthur.
- Tastes Like Diabetes: That little girl squirrel is way too cute.
- Tough Act to Follow: One Hundred and One Dalmatians has a tendency to overshadow this movie in the public eye, as does the movie that followed them both, The Jungle Book.
- The Woobie: The girl squirrel, whose poor little squirrel heart is smashed to pieces after Wart gets changed back into a human.