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Clan Gully's CP total is Over Nine Thousand[]

Why not?

Luso holds the current world record for largest Air Render ever produced[]

At the very least it is well above average.

Hurdy will gain Animist abilities[]

While he, Cheney and Adelle are in the Aldanna Range.

Kanin will become an Elementalist as part of eventually becoming a Summoner[]

Kanin also hopes the new uniform will attract Luso's attention.

  • Anna is going to help Kanin with the Elementalist equipment.

A member of either the Bangaa, Gria, Nu Mou or Seeq race will join Clan Gully before the Palace Tourney[]

They will definitely need extra members to increase their odds of winning.

  • I got my money on Grant.
  • A seeq joining Clan Gully while they are in the Zedlei forest is also possible.

The last conflict between Coronet members[]

It was between whoever was in charge of Fluorgis and Goug. The incident caused the guys in charge to be expelled from the Coronet.

  • Ensei, Loin and Andie all know something about this. Chita might know something as well.

Auron from Final Fantasy X will appear[]

He has already been mentioned. That brings hope that he will appear in the story. Whether or not he is actually alive though is a different matter altogether.

  • His might be drawn to Luso's sword Yuunagi.

Duke Reiglard will cheat during the Palace Tourney[]

All to make sure he wins the bet and take control of the Galleria Deep.

Khamja and Duelhorn will fight a war that no one notices at first[]

It will gradually escalate until people notice. The Jylland Defenders of the Peace and the Clans will have their work cut out for them trying to stop both.

Duelhorn are Anti-Villain Well Intentioned Extremists[]

Just like the games. Also like the games Snakeheart will be the exception.

During the Evil Versus Evil conflict Khamja and Duelhorn has...[]

  • Duelhorn will lose
  • Khamja will prove to be Eviler Than Thou
  • Snakeheart will betray Duelhorn

Clan Gully will meet Jerkass competitors during the Palace Tourney just like Acidwire during the Camoa Cup[]

These guys are the ones Reighlard has chosen as his representatives for his bet with Beltorey

Obligatory wild mass guessing thing as dictated by number 14 of the Trope Example Laws[]

  • Illua is a Time Lord.
  • Luso is Jesus.
  • That woman Luso sees in his dreams is Haruhi Suzumiya.

Lezaford will unlock Adelle's Heritor powers[]

Just in time for the Palace Tourney.

Clan Gully will battle demons[]

Any demon counts. They could be literal demons, spiritual demons, inner demons, if they are referred to as demons, as long as it isn't clearly something else, it counts.

Clan Gully will learn about Grant's past[]

At a very bad moment like when they need his help the most.

  • Although Cid and Crow could then vouch for Grant by reminding them it is possible for scum to redeem itself.

Fran and Balthier will make an appearance[]

They will have their own kid with them.

Illua will hypnotise Adelle into fighting against Clan Gully[]

Just like the games. Also like the games, she will snap out of it.

Kain will fight against all of Clan Gully[]

Despite the numerical disadvantage, Kain is Badass enough to fight them to a standstill.

Kanin will give Luso a Smooch of Victory[]

This is after Clan Gully wins a significant victory.

  • Ensei will not know how to react to that.

Kanin's mother is Francesca[]

The hints are strong. The hints are very strong indeed.

  • Cheney and Vili will be shocked.
  • Sasasha already knows this.
  • Francesca will be the one to reveal this and Ensei will confirm it.

Luso's new sword can teach him every ability a Parivir is capable of learning[]

Fighter abilities are also possible but that is probably stretching it a bit.

Khamja and/or Duelhorn will do something that has something to do with the Palace Tourney[]

Perhaps as recruitment grounds?

Khamja has more power and influence than any one member of the Coronet[]

Just like the games.

Some of the other competitors in the Palace Tourney will initially underestimate Clan Gully[]

They will quickly be singing a different tune.

Adelle will train to become a ninja[]

Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja.

Khamja commanders are as powerful as the Jylland Defenders of the Peace Judges[]

Every citizen of Jylland who previously did not know of Khamja will be shocked.

Kanin will eventually ask Luso out for a date[]

She has gotten fed up with trying to get his attention or waiting for him to notice her and decides to take a more upfront approach.

  • Anna and Maria will be envious.

Queen Remedi and Judgemaster Cid were or are going to be a couple[]

I base this on the fact that we have seen Judgemaster Cid staring at Queen Remedi.

We will see Jagd Zellea again[]

There's a building there and combined with Law of Conservation of Detail, it must be important.

Clan Gully will turn the Palace Tourney inside out[]

They will come out on top.

Cid will fully recover soon[]

Making him ready for the Palace Tourney.

During the Zedlei Forest arc...[]

  • The conflict will ultimately be resolved peacefully.
  • The conflict is about the Zedlei Forest Viera considering Clan Gully trespassers.
  • The Zedlei Forest Viera might consider Vili a Category Traitor.
    • Vili will be disgusted by the Fantastic Racism shown by the Zedlei Forest Viera.
  • They might also try to kill Kanin for being a Half-Human Hybrid.
    • They will regret that decision when Ensei sees this.
  • The Zedlei Forest Viera will discover that Luso has a higher connection to the Mist then Humes usually have due to his Mist Channeling.

Kanin has previously encountered the Zedlei Forest Viera before[]

It's helps explain why she is suddenly so nervous and wearing her Wizard's Hat again.

Luso's sister, Frimelda, is still alive[]

She has become a Paladin and will join Clan Gully.

  • There will be a happy reunion between Luso and Frimelda.

Francesca is in the Zedlei Forest at the same time as Clan Gully[]

It will be interesting to see them meet.

Duke Reighlard will be expelled from the Coronet[]

His questionable actions will be brought to Queen Remedi's attention and she will expel him for it and strip all power and title from him.

Duke Reighlard is connected to the last conflict between Coronet members[]

It's possible.

Lord Eden of Camoa is as powerful as a Jylland Defenders of the Peace Judge[]

If not more so.

Ensei is the other guy that went through Mist Channeling[]

Auggie mentioned something about surgery while talking to Ensei. Also Ensei seems to knows plenty about Mist Channeling.

Clan Gully will get to personally meet Queen Remedi[]

They've already met Lord Eden and Baron Beltorey. I think it would be nice if they meet Queen Remedi too.