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File:Teletubbies narrowweb 300x414,0.jpg

Say no to drugs.

"Have you seen these things? This planet's amazing. Television in their stomachs. Now that is evolution."

These four freaky alien-looking children live in an astroturf paradise, guarded by shower-head looking tannoy systems which rise from the ground, are surrounded by rabbits, and live with a sentient vacuum cleaner. Their only sustenance is toast and pink custard, and they all speak in baby talk. They have televisions in their stomachs, which receive signals from real children via their windmill transmitter when one of them picks up a broadcast via the antennae on their heads. And the sun is a baby's head.

Teletubbies originated on The BBC in 1997, but quickly became popular in the United States after being shown on PBS. The show ended in 2001 with 365 episodes.

The Teletubbies' provides examples of:[]

Time for Tubby Bye-bye