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  • D'Artagnan thinks very highly of his dueling skills. First he challenges three men to three duels, all in the same day. Later he tries to take Athos on in a drinking game. You gotta admit, the kid's got moxy!

 D'Artagnan: Athos, why don't you come join us?

Athos: You fight like a man. See if you can drink like one.

D'Artagnan: I'll drink anything you put in front of me.

Athos: Famous last words...

  • Porthos is such a Badass that he takes the time to enjoy the "finer things". Right as he and the other Musketeers and D'Artagnan are escaping from the Cardinal's men, in his own coach!

 Porthos: Champagne?

Athos: We're in the middle of a chase, Porthos.

Porthos: Hmm, you're right... something red.

  • This next bit during a chase, in the coach is more like a Crowning Moment of Funny, but it still shows that Porthos is awesome!

 Porthos: For a chase, the Cardinal recommends his excellent '24 Cabernet.

Porthos: (to D'Artagnan as he goes to try some) You can't have any, you're too young.

  • Porthos seems to be a walking example of total awesomeness. When he's not being the goofball for the group anyway.

 Villain: It's Porthos the Pirate! AAAAAHHH!!!

(All of the bad guys jump overboard)

D'Artagnan: Pirate?

Porthos: I told you I was famous.

  • Aramis, the Badass Preacher gets a really good moment near the end of the movie, when everyone thinks he's dead. He's unconscious after being shot at by the Cardinal, and Porthos tries to revive him.

 Athos: Is he dead?

Porthos moves the crucifix round Aramis' neck and Aramis regains consciousness.

Aramis: See? There is a God.
