Adaptation Displacement: The comic has a strong cult following and is well-known amongst comic fans, it is still hard to find copies of the original series. The cartoon had a long run and was quite popular.
Ensemble Darkhorse: The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight! Yeah Baby! BOOM!
Flanderization - Just compare The Tick from his earliest appearances (among other things, he actively hopes to avoid Ho Yay) to some of his later adaptations.
Funny Aneurysm Moment: In the opening of the episode The Tick vs Proto-Clown, you see what appears to be the World Trade Center Twin Towers in the background; they suddenly crash to the ground in a huge cloud of dust.
Large Ham: Pretty much anytime that Tick opens his mouth. The scary part? His villains are often even bigger hams than he is! Done, as just about everything else in the franchise, as an Affectionate Parody of super hero comics.)
Too Good to Last: The live-action TV series only lasted about six episodes before its cancellation.
Your mileage may vary on that. Most non-hardcore Tick fans agree that there were only two decent episodes in the live action series, neither of which aired before cancellation.
Also the comic, which turned out to be so good it spawned a television series, distracting the author from finishing it (issue 12 ended on a cliffhanger, issue 13 exists only in hopes, dreams, and a "Psuedo-Tick" book released by the character's publishers). Ben Edlund promised he'd get back to it as soon as he's finished with thisHollywoodthing. Any day now, one assumes.
The cartoon as well. Three seasons is far from enough.