There's also the equally 'wonderful' fact that Henry is forty when he and Clare have sex for... well, first time for Clare... their first time... Anyway, Clare is eighteen.
He just happened to appear to her on the night of her 18th birthday. And at least she was legal.
Clare. Let's look at her life in detail, shall we? VERY dysfunctional family and childhood, at one point finding her mother after her suicide attempt. Having an unusual and confusing relationship with a man who is very rarely ever there. Teased all through her adolescence for never dating. The one time she DOES try to date someone, she ends up BEATEN, BURNED, and physically and emotionally scarred. She has around twenty years of wedded bliss with Henry- which is STILL intercut with his constant comings and goings, and the repercussions of said comings and goings, the miscarriages (at more than one point finding the fetuses outside her body.), her wacky homelife and the death of her mother. And then, she has to deal with her husband dying in her arms and living a life of single motherhood, never getting into another relationship again. Ow.
So she spends about three-quarters of her life alone. Ow indeed.