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Tourettes-Guy1 7531


The Tourettes Guy is a series of YouTube videos following the eponymous Danny, a foul-tempered and foul-mouthed man with "Tourette's syndrome" - though his behavior is likely more influenced by all the booze he drinks. His friends and family often show up, but aside from his equally foul-mouthed father, they are only heard from offscreen and never seen.

For a while, it was believed that Danny had died in a car accident. But later on, new videos were posted and his website claimed that he was still alive and had just been in jail the whole time.

Tropes used in The Tourettes Guy include:
  • The Alcoholic: Danny, who is almost always seen with a beer bottle. The official website claims that his behavior is likely influenced more by his drinking than his Tourette's.
  • Ass Shove:
    • Danny claims he wants to shove a broom up the ass of the person who named Fashion Bug.
    • He also claims during a bowling game that he wants to shove a can of Pringles up a preacher's ass.
    • Also, apparently something happens when Alex Trebek has a picture of a giraffe in his ass during an earthquake.
  • Atomic F-Bomb: Several, but a few notable examples are:.
    • Yelling "FUUUUUUUUUCK!" after the The Police version of "Every Breath You Take" played while he was on hold with Colgate (he hoped it was the Puff Daddy cover).
    • Yelling "SHIIIIIIIIIIT!" offscreen, which synched up perfectly with Mufasa falling off a cliff on the TV.
    • At his son's job interview, after telling him multiple times he didn't want some Twizzlers his son was eating, he screams "BUTT FUCK!!" The person napping nearby was not amused.
    • Yelling "FUUUUUUUUUCK!" after crashing headfirst into the chandelier.
    • As the cameraman drives away from the Tourette's Guy's dad as quickly as possible, he screams "You cocksuckerrrrrrrrr!!!!", complete with Doppler effect.
  • Author Appeal: Including Danny's shirt, there are a lot of references to breakfast cereal. And almost all the videos involve phones.
  • Badass Beard: Danny's dad, who bears a striking resemblance to Santa Claus. Danny lands into a bit of trouble when he points this out.
  • Badass Grandpa: Danny's dad.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Between him and his ex-wife, Shirlena. "BITCH! I love you."
  • Berserk Button: Calling Danny's dad a mall Santa.


Danny's Dad gets Danny in a headlock

Danny's Dad: So you wanna talk some shit, huh baldy? Ha ha ha.

  • Big No: When a grocer tries to take away Danny's marshmallows.
  • Chew Toy: The titular Tourette's Guy.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: If you couldn't figure this one out already...
    • One example: Danny carrying a hot casserole dish without oven mitts. When he gets back up after putting it down on the table, he hits his head on a chandelier. Leave room and cue Atomic F-Bomb!
  • Comedic Sociopathy: Oh so much.
  • Comically Missing the Point: In one video, Danny is watching an exercise program. He isn't exactly exercising. He's moving the top half of his body while sitting down and eating chips.
    • Heaven knows what started this argument, but it ends up hilariously.

 Danny's Son: Then he told me to tell you that he wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.

Danny: Well you tell him that I said I wouldn't piss on him if he was on Jeopardy!

  • Country Matters: So far, "c***" has only been used once.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: "Suck my dick... Or cock!"
  • Dissimile: "These fish sticks are hard as tits!"
    • "Let me tell you about a porcupine's balls! They're small, and they don't give a SHIT!
    • "Why don't you make like a banana and shit!"
    • "That's what happens when Alex Trebek has a picture of a giraffe in his ass during an earthquake!"
  • Erotic Eating: Strangely invoked - after commenting on a woman described as a lesbian "that just means she likes what I like", Danny bites into a corn dog.
  • Even the Subtitler Is Stumped: In "Bird in the House", Danny goes running into the other room after his son tells him there's a bird in the house, yelling some of his usual curses before shouting something unintelligible ("???").
  • Everything's Worse with Bees: In one episode, Danny gets attacked by a swarm of bees while he's mowing the lawn. He handles it about as well as you'd think. ("AW BOB SAGET! Oh SHIT!")
  • Funny Background Event: Danny shouted "PISS!" so loud that the top page of a wall calendar came loose and fell back down, changing the calendar to the previous month.
  • Gag Dub: During one episode, Danny's son is watching The Lion King while Danny himself is cussing people out on the phone in the next room. They sync up surprisingly well.
  • Go to Your Room: Danny grounds his son for not thinking that the garbage disposal sounds like Chewbacca taking a shit.
  • Green Aesop: "I'm getting sick and goddamn tired of all these looters and polluters!"
  • Groin Attack: Danny's son accidentally throws a paper towel at his crotch. Luckily, it wasn't hard. ...The paper towel, not his dick.
  • He Who Must Not Be Seen: Every recurring character except for Danny and his dad.
  • ~He's Just Hiding~: Despite reportedly being killed in a car crash in 2007, Danny has appeared in three new videos. The website claims that he was actually in prison.
  • Hollywood Tourettes: It's sort of a given.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Danny admonishes his son for saying "shit", after saying it six times since he entered the room.
    • "I don't hate gays, but if some f***** ever tries to touch me..."
      • I think he was more implying that he'll ignore it but if a gay DOES try to molest/marry/etc...
    • Danny wears glasses, but that doesn't stop him from calling Rick Moranis "four eyes".
    • Several episodes after Danny's Limited Wardrobe was lampshaded by his dad, guess what said dad is wearing in the next episode he appears in.
    • Calls an angry janitor, who has a beer belly but some buff arms, a fatass, while fat.
    • Danny's dad - who is bald - calls Danny "baldy" during a fight.
  • Jerkass: Big time, but it's part of the humor.
  • Like Father, Like Son: His dad swears just as much as he does.
  • Limited Wardrobe: In almost every single episode, Danny wears brown shorts and a Tony the Tiger T-shirt. His dad called him out on it in one episode.

 Danny's Dad: You change your damn glasses more than you change your damn shirt! Why don't you trying wearing a different shirt for once in your life?

Danny: Why don't you just FUCK OFF!!!

  • Mad Scientist: According to one video's description, Danny's psychiatrist put a giant blue M&M in his bedroom to see how a person with Tourette's would react when waking up next to a giant blue M&M.
  • Malaproper: "He's not playing with a full dick!"
  • No Indoor Voice: Boy howdy...

 Danny's Son: Dad, there's some white stuff on the floor....

Danny: THAT'S MY ASS!!!

  • Noodle Incident: "That's what happens when Alex Trebek has a picture of a giraffe in his ass during an earthquake."
    • "This is the second time I've been fucked by Dairy Queen!"
  • Oh Crap: At about 4:15 of the newest episode.
  • Overly Long Gag: Danny looking through a phonebook, watching lottery results, brushing his teeth, and showering.
  • Running Gag: There are several videos in which Danny's ex-wife come over to talk about her problems with work or family. Every time, Danny completely fails to show interest or sympathy.

 Danny: Are we gonna fuck, or what?

  • Sir Swearsalot: Naturally.
  • Slapstick: Danny is on the receiving end of a lot physical comedy: his chair falls over, his beer spews foam on him, a bird flies into his face, he bangs his head on a chandelier, he drunkenly stumbles down stairs, a supermarket cardboard standup falls on him, and more. The cameraman sometimes takes punishment, too.
  • That Came Out Wrong: When Danny gets hit in the groin by a roll of paper towels.

 Danny: Where's the paper towels?!

Danny's Son: They're right over here, Dad, in this bag.

Danny: Throw 'em over here!

Danny's son throws him the paper towels, and it hits him in the groin

Danny: Ouch! Motherfucker, you hit me in the dick!

Danny's Son: Sorry...

Danny: You're lucky it wasn't hard! (Beat) I mean this thing (the paper towels), not my dick!

  1. smashing the clock,