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  • "Oh, damn! I forgot Dialla!" *gunfire outside the door, cue player's disbelieving laughter*
  • "Get in there, or I'll shoot you!"
  • Pocketknifing through a concrete wall.
    • Funnier still when later, once Dialla's knife disappears after making the "banana-rope-knife-glue"...thing she breaks another chunk of wall. With what this time? Her bare hands! She won't touch grease because it'll get her nails dirty but she'll risk chipping them—or, worse, seriously injuring herself—to break through the same kind of wall?
  • Speaking of, the fishing rod puzzle. You glue a banana to a rope and put a pocketknife through it. This somehow catches a fish.
    • Well, hook = knife, line = rope, and banana = bait. Seeing as fish arent the brightest... I think its more funny that the sewers of all places are clean enough that fish can swim in it.
    • That, and as one Youtube commenter pointed out, is a sewer fish really something you want your cat eating?
  • "Thank you, young lady. I have no use for this blow torch of mine." "My CAT is NOT for Sale..."
    • The character is question happens to look and sound like Patrick Stewart, making it even funnier.
  • Mickey Lee's death scene.

 Proteus: He's got a smirk-He is the smug emoticon!

  • The sink puzzle in Escape. Especially the result of this, with the guard immediately slipping on the floor.
  • Also, Dialla will refuse to leave her apartment unless you collect eveything there is to collect in her apartment. Why she needs a banana, a teddy bear, and a light bulb to chase down a criminal is unexplained.
  • McNeely just shooting Jason White. "You'd think he'd have noticed the gun in my other hand."
    • Made even funnier just beforehand, when he calls him "Whitey".
  • "By the way... Did I forget to mention I have a thing for women?" No! You don't say!
  • Dialla asks White to help her escape from her cell, and suddenly his dialogue turns incredibly stilted.