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  • Why does Immorgamsics arbitrarily rewrite peoples' memories in such a coherent and promiscuous fashion? Why does a banana make an acceptable lure for a fishing rod? Why does Dialla refuse to grab a rusty switch five minutes after punching through a brick wall with a pocket knife? Why doesn't Dialla just fucking shoot Whitey? Why? Why?! WHY?!
  • EVERYTHING about the plot bugs me. EVERY. FUCKING. THING. I don't know if there's a human equivalent of those logic bombs that Captain Kirk used to use on the Rogue AI of the Week, but if there is it's gotta be pretty damn close to this game.
  • Why exactly would a convenience store owner keep around an empty blowtorch that he himself says he has no use for?
    • Maybe it became useless to him only recently, and the player is the first opportunity he has to get rid of it.
  • Why were Dan and Dialla taking this experimental, immortality-giving, memory-wiping drug in a police officer's house?