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  • Complete Monster: Most of the series' villains take this form, but Hazel and Cha-Cha are especially monstrous. When a cook jokes that he wouldn't give up the recipe for his apple pie "even if you cut my arms and legs off," they oblige. For shits and giggles.
    • And then they just get annoyed when he finally tells them the recipe because they've already forgotten why they cut the poor guy up in the first place, they were enjoying the dismemberment too much.
    • Dr. Terminal is no slouch either. He could apparently consume any matter to keep his disease in remission, but seemed to like the taste of human beings more than anything. And his robotic servants, the Terminauts... well, when they appear on the scene, they get the Umbrella Academy's attention by vaporizing a carnival. Infant Immortality is horribly averted.
    • The Academy's founder, Sir Reginald Hargreeves. He snatched up eight babies who could have been taken in by normal people and led healthy lives. Instead, they're stuck growing up with a man who allows them little-to-no personal freedom so he can risk their lives for his own boasting, verbally abusing them in between.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: The flashback where it's revealed that Dr. Terminal ate The Rumour's arm. The ball gag and pedophilic overtones don't help.
    • "Little girls just taste so much better than prison guards."
  • No Yay: The teased pairing of Luther and Allison.
  • Squick: Hazel and Cha-Cha.
    • Also, Mom.
    • The Ship Teasing going on with Luther and Allison. Not because of the obvious reasons. More because the thought of them together inspires serious No Yay.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Vanya becomes one in Apocalypse Suite.