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Basic Trope: A usually stoic character tries to smile, but it ends up being creepy.
- Straight: Bob, who has never been seen smiling, finally does, but it heads straight into the Uncanny Valley.
- Exaggerated: Bob, who has never been seen smiling, finally does, but his smile is High Octane Nightmare Fuel.
- Downplayed: Bob, who has never been seen smiling, finally does, but it looks somewhat creepy until he gets it under control.
- Justified: Bob, while attractive in real life, is just not very photogenic.
- Bob can smile just fine when he has something to smile about. Faking a smile, on the other hand...
- Inverted: When She Smiles.
- Subverted: Bob slowly smiles, and it seems to be heading into the uncanny valley, but becomes cute smile.
- Double Subverted: ...Then it keeps going into Nightmare Fuel.
- Parodied: Bob's Smile is so horrible to look at, everyone around him loses bladder control.
- Deconstructed: Bob was in a horrible accident years ago, and the facial nerves and muscles didn't heal right.
- Reconstructed: There is nothing that Bob wants to smile about anyway.
- Zig Zagged: Bob's smiles can either be this or When She Smiles, often without rhyme or reason.
- Averted: Bob's smile is in no way creepy.
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: "Is that a smile or did you lose a fight with a weed whacker?"
- Invoked: "We want to use Stoic Bob in a joke. I wonder how..."
- Exploited: The Five-Man Band uses Bob's creepy smile to distract a guard so they can sneak in somewhere.
- Defied: Bob just smiles.
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
- Played For Laughs: Almost always.
Go back to The Un-Smile, and seriously, stop smiling. You're creeping everyone out.