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  • Badass Decay: Averted, until the fifth book. Ripred was too nice to Lizzie, and now people pair them together. Ew.
    • Then again, she DID remind him of his dead daughter, who apparently liked to do puzzles as much as Lizzie does.
  • Complete Monster: Argued for many characters, especially Pearlpelt and Twirltongue.
  • Misaimed Fandom: Even though the canon pairing is Gregor/Luxa, many fans seem to prefer Gregor/Howard for some reason.
    • Or how can we forget Gregor/Henry? Or Bane/Ares? Or Ripred/everyone? The fans must be getting really bored.
  • Nightmare Fuel: A lot of it.
  • Tear Jerker: Anyone's death.