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File:The Uninvited (2009 film).jpg

The Uninvited is a 2009 American remake of the 2003 South Korean horror film A Tale of Two Sisters. It is unrelated to another 2003 Korean horror film and a 1944 American film, both of which have the same name.

Anna (Emily Browning) has been in a psychiatric institution for ten months, following her suicide attempt after her terminally-ill mother died in a boathouse fire. Now she is being discharged and has no memory of the actual fire, although she is frequently plagued by nightmares from the night. She meets up with her sister, Alex (Arielle Kebbel), only to find that everyone is ignoring her, and that her father may be in a scandalous relationship with a murderer. Not only that, but it seems that no one is who they first appear to be...

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