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Here. Player characters are called via a subconscious summons to Nautilus, the city of change, where they must master the challenges of creating, maintaining and protecting all the worlds of the multiverse... by sheer force of will.

Tropes used in The Wake include:
  • Anti-Hero: Sideswipe, Zanith, Squall.
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: The whole point of coming to Nautilus is to eventually ascend to Deva.
  • Clock Punk: Helix.
  • Character Development: This is one of the ways your character can advance in rank and be granted new powers in the game.
  • Crack Pairing
  • Crystal Dragon Jesus: Before she died, Cyrus. Heck, even after she died.
  • Humongous Mecha: The game is known for its sizable Transformers cast.
  • Memetic Mutation: Nautilus is full of fruits and Rev has a drug problem.
    • RAPT ATTENTION, reflecting bullets with a garden axe, and Baccano's Claire is a godmode.
  • Morality Pet: Starscream has had several, including Sari, Kid Wykkyd, Rex, Jun and Klonoa.
  • Nakama: Makeshift families crop up all over the place in this game. How many grandkids has Ratchet adopted now?...
  • Noble Demon: A few fit this bill, most notably Starscream, but this also falls over most of the Decepticons as well as the Organization members.
  • Our Angels Are Different / Our Gods Are Greater: Wakened are angels-in-training, Angelii are messengers, Ashura are maintainers, Deva are creators, Aeons are weird bastards that talk in crazy riddles and think it's funny to give you ironic presents and turn you into things, at least if Nautilus himself is any indication.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Cyrus and Nautilus. Everyone figured that Cyrus was male, and that Nautilus was either genderless or female. Oops. Granted, this was deliberate.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: While characters can visit their home worlds, they can't tell anyone about Nautilus and feel like they're trapped in their own body - and once they reach the end of their canon, they are apparently stuck in a permanent loop.
  • Your Mind Makes It Real: Characters can, with a little practice, bring literally anything they imagine into being through the process of Bending.