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  • When the family cow, Chance, gives birth to a healthy calf, John as to sell it to make ends meet, but when Elizabeth and Jim-Bob start to suspect something is wrong with its new owner, they try to save it. This is a good episode and very well written. It was sweet when Jim-Bob and Elizabeth run off with the calf and John and John-Boy go out looking for them. A very heartwarming episode.
  • All the scenes from "The Fawn" with Erin and the orphaned fawn Lancelot.
  • I always liked this closing narration form "The Runaway".

  John-Boy: I often remember Jim Bob saying to my father, "it's OK, next time I'll make you listen". I wish that it were in the power of all children to say that to their parents, and to know that indeed they would be heard, as we were in those wonderful days on Walton's Mountain.
