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American sitcom that lasted two seasons on Fox, from 2005 to 2007. The premise is that Michael Rapaport plays father and husband David Gold and has to deal with the chaos that is his family.

One of the big gimmicks of the show was the constant Fourth Wall breaking and having a character go into a white void to confess something to the audience.

The family members were:

  • David: Father and husband, lazy, loud and obnoxious.
  • Vicky: Mother and wife, pretty much the Straight Woman.
  • Hillary: The oldest child and typical 17-year-old daughter who dates.
  • Larry: The middle child at 16, a rather geeky effeminate boy, who Dave thinks is gay, but is actually heterosexual.
  • Mike: The youngest child at 14; he is the snarker among the children.

Of note was the recurring character Kenny, Larry's best friend, who had a crush on Larry and came out in the second season.

Tropes used in The War at Home include:

 Dave: We are instituting a zero-tolerence policy, effective immediately! If anybody misses their curfew, or doesn't do their homework, or talks back, or just looks at us wrong, they're gettin' a spanking!


 (both David and Kenny at the same time):"This is the most uncomfortable conversation in my entire life."


Did you know there was a character named Kenny in this?