A historical novel by Arthur Conan Doyle, set during the Hundred Years' War. It mainly follows the adventures of Alleyne Edricson, who is squire to Sir Nigel Loring, and two of his comrades: Samkin Aylward and Hordle John as they travel across France to meet up with the titular White Company. Along the way, they have a quite a number of chance encounters, whereby much honor is gained through noble deeds and feats of arms.
Tropes include:[]
- Annoying Arrows: Unsurprisingly averted, since the eponymous White Company is a band of semi-mercenary English longbowmen.
- Bald of Awesome: Sir Nigel. Also spends much of the book wearing an eyepatch as part of a vow.
- Big Eater: Sir Oliver Buttesthorne.
- Cain and Abel: Alleyene and his brother, the Socman of Minstead.
- Fainting Seer: Lady Tiphaine, and her "blessed hour of sight."
- Gratuitous French: Aylward, in particular.
- The High Middle Ages
- Historical Domain Character: Many from the Hundred Years' War, including Edward III and Edward, the Black Prince.
- Honor Before Reason: Sir Nigel treads perilously close to this at times, although other characters (particularly the archers) take a more pragmatic approach.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Sir Nigel, of course, but also Chandos, du Guesclin, and many others.
- Power Trio: Alleyne, Aylward, and Hordle John.
- Tranquil Fury: Heaven help you if you insult Sir Nigel's lady.
- Wacky Wayside Tribe: Several, particularly the pirates and the peasant uprising. Sir Nigel seems to enjoy these, and is always on the lookout for them.
- Worthy Opponent: Sir Nigel and Bertrand du Guesclin. Reaches Enemy Mine levels when the two of them are trapped by the Jacquerie.
- Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: The whole book is written in this style, although it's fairly well done.