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The Witch and the Hundred Knights is an upcoming Action RPG in development by Nippon Ichi (more noteworthy, the team behind Prinny Can I Really Be the Hero) for the PlayStation 3.

Deep within the forest, there live two witches: the beautiful Swamp Witch and the ugly Forest Witch. The two are engaged in a deadly war for supremacy, which has lasted for over 100 years. One day, the beautiful Swamp Witch, Metallica, encounters the legendary "One Hundred Knight(s)", a dark knight who had died hundreds of years prior to her conflict. In hopes of gaining the upper hand against her rival, she revives the One Hundred Knight(s) in her goal to defeat the Forest Witch and turn the world into a giant swampland.

In the game, the player takes control of one of the "One Hundred Knights". The game is played from a top-down perspective and battles will be fought in hack-and-slash style with some Rougelike elements mixed in. The player will eventually face off against giant bosses, and will have to make use of a variety of special attacks, some of which are associated with particular individuals of the "One Hundred Knights". The player will be able summon the other 99 individual Knights for a brief period of time. It is crucial for the player to make use of the rest the Knights.

Tropes used in The Witch and The Hundred Knights include: