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TheWitchesOfEastwick 6383

The Witches of Eastwick is a novel by John Updike that was adapted into a film starring Jack Nicholson and later a musical. It also inspired the television series Eastwick.

It's about three suburban women who start their own little witch coven and get to meet the Devil himself...

Needs a Better Description

The film provides examples of:[]


 Daryl: Do you think God knew what He was doing when He created woman? Huh? No shit. I really wanna know. Or do you think it was another one of His minor mistakes like tidal waves, earthquakes, floods? You think women are like that? S'matter? You don't think God makes mistakes? Of course He does. We all make mistakes. Of course, when we make mistakes they call it evil. When God makes mistakes, they call it "nature". So whaddya think? Women... a mistake, or did he do it to us on purpose?


 Elijah fled to the Mount of God, and behold, the Lord passed by and the great and strong wind rent the mountains and breaked in pieces the rocks before the Lord.


The novel provides examples of:[]

  • Hollywood New England
  • Name's the Same: Two characters are called Homer and Marge. Oh, and they're married.
  • Widow Witch: In the novel, the women of the village of Eastwick only gain powers after their husbands/significant others either die or divorce them. It is mentioned that for some reason, it does not matter if the woman leaves or is left, she becomes a Malleus Maleficarum style witch (with bonus third nipple) automatically.

The musical provides examples of:[]