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Read all chapters

First Epoch

The Story Begun by Walter Hartwright

The Story Continued by Vincent Gilmore

The Story Continued by Marian Halcombe

Second Epoch

The Story Continued by Marian Halcombe

The Story Continued by Frederick Fairlie Esq.

The Story Continued by Eliza Michelson

The Story Continued in Several Narratives

  1. The Narrative of Hester Pinhorn
  2. The Narrative of the Doctor
  3. The Narrative of Jane Gould
  4. The Narrative of the Tombstone
  5. The Narrative of Walter Hartwright

Third Epoch

The Story Continued by Walter Hartwright

The Story Continued by Mrs. Catherick

The Story Continued by Walter Hartwright

The Story Continued by Isidor, Ottavio, Baldassare Fosco

The Story Concluded by Walter Hartwright