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WGTT 3334

Haas and Benjamin

The (Self-Proclaimed) World's Greatest Tag Team is a professional wrestling tag team consisting of Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas. The Duo debuted near the end of 2002 in World Wrestling Entertainment as part of Kurt Angle's new faction, Team Angle. Both sharing amateur wrestling backgrounds, the duo proved to be a highly successful performers in the ring. More impressively, they debuted during a period where popular tag teams such as Edge & Christian and The Hardy Boyz were no longer together, so TWGTT helped to fill the void in the tag team scene. Unfortunately, the duo split up in 2004 after Benjamin was traded to the Raw brand. While Benjamin would go on to have a relatively successful singles career, Haas was lost in the shuffle in was briefly released in 2005 before returning to the company the following year. In 2006, the duo reformed their tag team again before they were eventually split up, again. The two were both released from their contracts in 2010, and can both be found tag teaming once more, in Ring of Honor.

As always, The Other Wiki has more information on their individual careers.

Tropes associated with The World's Greatest Tag Team include:[]