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  • Big Lipped Alligator Moment (The show just loves these)
    • Arguably, this show is one long B.L.A.M.
  • Crosses the Line Twice - Vyvyan, several times over:
    • Loses his head after sticking it out of a train window. He later has an altercation with his headless body after it comes to find him.
    • This trope is essentially what makes the cricket bat scene funny.
    • Going outside and pushing the entire left wall of the house inwards by several feet in a fit of frustration after finding out that the VCR's cord is too short to reach the plug (and then smashing the window to get back inside).
    • Mike hitting a golf ball into the toilet while Neil's sitting on it, and Rik inadvertently catching it after he throws it back.
      • That....wasn't the ball he caught....
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Vyvyan often gets this treatment in the existing fandom. As far as fanfiction goes, expanding on his hinted Dark and Troubled Past is a popular focus.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Vyvyan is often what people remember most about this show.
  • Foe Yay: Obviously, Rick and Vyvyan.

 Rick: Oh, so you've been going through my Y-fronts have you, Vyvyan? I suppose you fancy me, is that it?

Vyvyan: (pause) Yes! As a matter of fact I do, Rick. I really really fancy you, and I want to give you a big girly kiss on the bottom!

Rick: Urgh, Mike, Vyvyan's gone all funny! He says he wants to kiss my bottom!

Vyvyan: Oh! Did I say kiss you on the bottom? I'm very sorry, what I meant was, stick a pickaxe through your spinal column!!

  • Genius Bonus: In "Nasty", Vyvyan threatens to kill Rick, to which Rick sarcastically responds "What devastating repartee! Talk about Oscar Wilde!" Oscar Wilde named the younger of his two sons Vyvyan. Yes, that same spelling.
  • Relationship Sue: Related to Draco in Leather Pants above. Many, many female OCs in Young Ones fanfiction exist solely to be Vyvyan’s perfect bird (when he's not being shipped with Rick).
  • The Scrappy: Mike isn't anywhere near as popular as Rick, Vyvyan, or Neil, but Alexei Sayle's various roles appear to be most disliked, possibly because of how they interrupt episodes. Rick is probably this in universe, as well as Neil to some extent.
  • Tear Jerker: Surprisingly, the very end of the series where the bus they stole crashes and explodes. The ending credits have everyone who was in the series listed in alphabetical order, and not by what they contributed, which seemed kind of heartwarming and out of place at the same time. The sad "doo-wop" music also contributed.
  • Wangst: Parodied.
  • What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?