The In Joke is a small up-and-coming web comic on DeviantArt with the descriptive catch phrase of 'We take those "You had to be there' moments and bring them to you." It is based on real life events and conversation in the artist's life--moments usually understanderable only to those who witnessed them. Thus, they are "inside jokes". Can be found here at The In Joke Or here.
Now has its own website hosted by Comic Fury here.
Provides examples of:[]
- Ambiguous Gender: Most of the cast has had their gender stated at some point, but the author hasn't confirmed his/her's.
- Art Evolution: In the earliest strips the characters have very pointy arms and the legs are hardly ever seen. Now the people are more rounded with something closer to actual bodies.
- Author Avatar: Since most of the material is drawn from life the author is a regular part of the cast, always portrayed with large, expressive glasses.
- Continuity: Only beginning to show its face.
- Did We Just Have Tea with Cthulhu?: More like Did We Just House Train C'thulhu?
- Everything's Better with Platypi: A metaphorical one at that.
- Everythings Better with Penguins Penguins with tommy guns, no less
- Everything's Better with Rainbows And ponies
- Fan Disservice: The stuff of nightmares, I'm sure.
- Green Lantern: The Author seems to like superheroes.
- Nice Hat: The Author Avatar wears one. This one also might count.
- Real Life Writes the Plot: The premise of the comic
- Shakespeare: The author recently began a story arch based on "A Midsummer Night's Dream" called "Hallucination in June".
- Sibling Rivalry: The Author and the author's sister cannot seem to be in a strip together without some sort of argument. Not to mention the time the sister shot the author in the face...
- Those Wacky Nazis Word for word